
豆瓣评分: 8.9


In the early 1900s, teenaged Sunja, the adored daughter of a crippled fisherman, falls for a wealthy stranger at the seashore near her home in Korea. He promises her the world, but when she discovers she is pregnant-and that her lover is married-she refuses to be bought. Instead, she accepts an offer of marriage from a gentle, sickly minister passing through on his way to Japan. But her decision to abandon her home, and to reject her son's powerful father, sets off a dramatic saga that will echo down through the generations. Richly told and profoundly moving, Pachinko is a story of love, sacrifice, ambition, and loyalty. From bustling street markets to the halls of Japan's finest universities to the pachinko parlors of the criminal underworld, Lee's complex and passionate characters-strong, stubborn women, devoted sisters and sons, fathers shaken by moral crisis-survive and thrive against the indifferent arc of history.


Min Jin Lee (born 1968) is a Korean American writer whose work frequently deals with Korean American topics.[1] She is the author of the novels Free Food for Millionaires (2007) and Pachinko (2017). Her debut novel, Free Food for Millionaires, was one of the "Top 10 Novels of the Year" for The Times (London), NPR's Fresh A ir, and USA Today. Her short fiction has been featured on NPR's Selected Shorts. Her writings have appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, The Times (London), Vogue, Travel+Leisure, Wall Street Journal, New York Times Magazine, and Food & Wine. Her essays and literary criticism have been anthologized widely. She served as a columnist for the Chosun Ilbo, the leading paper of South Korea. She lives in New York with her family.


@ 安非他命 作者的结尾我非常喜欢。作为一个immigrant其实很理解这种成长环境的背景不同,哪怕是from the same ethnicity,相似的也只是容貌和语言(少部分)而已。是一本令人值得深思的书。作为Saga长度刚好,但作为小说有一点略长而且人物过多。但也不妨一路被Sunja的成长和变化所感动,为年轻的Noa骄傲但为结局叹息,也为Solomon感到可惜吧。。也为一切身在时代洪流而无法左右自己的I… 作者的结尾我非常喜欢。作为一个immigrant其实很理解这种成长环境的背景不同,哪怕是from the same ethnicity,相似的也只是容貌和语言(少部分)而已。是一本令人值得深思的书。作为Saga长度刚好,但作为小说有一点略长而且人物过多。但也不妨一路被Sunja的成长和变化所感动,为年轻的Noa骄傲但为结局叹息,也为Solomon感到可惜吧。。也为一切身在时代洪流而无法左右自己的Immigrant,愿所有人也包括我自己,在一个新的国度找回家的感觉。 @ SARANGI 对女人的刻画都建立在她们与男人的关系之上/Book 3似乎有点局促,可能是时间跨度太长的原因/最喜欢Book 2对战时的描写,Book 1里回忆Sunja和爸爸的片段也很美/ @ BloomD 只要国家的概念还存在 移民就永远是局外人 不管生活怎样富足丰满 仍是在异乡的家乡流浪 所爱的所想要摆脱的都跟随你一生 爱你的试图向世界说明你的真相 而异族人选择视而不见 @ [已注销] 还从来没有读过韩裔日本移民的故事。从殖民地讲到二战讲到战后经济起飞讲到快九十年代,四代人过去了异乡人的后代还是侨居异乡的外国人。看到作者的灵感来自八十年代末接触的在日韩国移民,现实只怕更辛酸吧。 @ califlo Identity crisis for three generations straight @ Lynnnnei 前年读过的一本书,第一次接触到在日韩裔人的故事,读起来还是很吸引人的。最近竟然听说书要被翻拍成剧了(李敏镐主演)? 不知道会怎么拍… @ meizeng_拌拌面 故事的时间线拉得特别长 涉及的人物也特别多 但没有写成流水账 就算是再小的人物也有backstory的支撑 都算得上立体 而且情节发展很流畅 看了最后的作者采访 她说自己完全是一个土生土长的korean amarican 笔下的人物形象之所以这么鲜活都源自于在日本生活的几年时间里无数的采访 一本书前前后后写了十几年 付出了多少精力都是能从字里行间中体现的 @ [已注销] Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration. @ 釘叮丁 History has failed us, but no matter. 在日漂流的韩裔,四代人的成长缩影,屈辱与无奈,苦痛与希望。身份认同,阶层固化。讲Sunja的故事,但又好像是我们每个人的故事。 @ vv 永远的异乡人


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