书名:Money MachineATrailblazingAmericanVentureinChina
An extraordinary tale of an American firm’s astounding success in China In Money Machine: A Trailblazing American Venture in China, Weijian Shan delivers a compelling account of one of the most significant deals in private equity history: the first and only foreign acquisition of control of a Chinese national bank. Money Machine is the fascinating inside story of the transaction as told by the man who led it, from the intrigues of dealmaking to the complex and uncharted process of securing control by a foreign investor of a Chinese nationwide financial institution, a feat that had never before been attempted, nor has it been repeated. Shan also describes the astonishingly successful turnaround of the institution under the control of the American firm: the clash of cultures, the growth to strength and profitability, and ultimately, the extraordinarily profitable exit from the investment. In the process, he reveals new insights into how finance operates in China’s capital system and how private equity firms can add real value to companies. Readers will also find: A peek behind the curtain of a process usually shrouded in secrecy: private equity dealmaking and moneymaking The complex negotiations between American private equity executives and Chinese regulators to implement a series of unprecedented changes The riveting details of the challenges that had to be overcome to return the bank to growth and profitability An exceptional firsthand account of truly singular deal-making and money-making, Money Machine will be of interest to investment bankers, investors, financial analysts and anyone who appreciates a suspenseful, true-life story.
@ Terence Xie 相比于 Money Games 有更多关于投后管理技术细节的讨论、分析与论述(可能仅仅是因为 SDB 对中国人更为熟悉)。Shan 的书总能让人更深刻地理解很多 financial concept,恰如 computer science 阅读 source code 一般,能提供更为真实的案例和理解环境。例如像 convertible bond 这样在概念上很容易理解的东西,在 Shan 的书中能够展示出更深层次的内涵、存在必要性和强大作用。 @ JohnSun "In deal business, like on a battlefield or in so many other things in life, you really have to strike when the iron is hot, to seize the momentum or the moment, to win. If a fisherman slacks off when reeling in a big fish, the catch may snap the line and get away forever." @ 庄常飞 居然是被朱相和老者接见过,跟小川民康等推杯换盏的华人banker,也难怪可以做成这样的交易。不足的是作者对很多共事过的人都做出了评头论足的评论,很多看起来其实是留给自己的而并不适合发表的。还有言语中显然对彼时的国内市场,环境,政策及当事人等的非对等专业状态的居高临下感,这点有点意外 – 有点像内部刊物而不像是公开发行的书了。结论:可能华人不大适合写传记,特别是还没有成为历史的事情(当事人都还健在),因为非常容易写成“其他人都是SB”的奇怪基调。传记特别是自传照理都是谦卑的,而不是相反。就算有可以给人写教科书的资本,或者就算是教科书本身,也应该是谦卑的吧。my 2 cents @ allendonal 极具可读性的收购案例,精彩! @ 秦柯 还没读完但已经五星预感… 和政府做生意不容易,达成交易前的ups and downs真就是章节名,过山车。(231103:读完了!好不容易的交易,跌宕起伏,后半段收购后的改造很详尽,到exit option环节我读得有点没耐心了,反而是最后单选择退出TPG那部分很好玩,从necessity到freedom,真好啊 ,金钱博弈开读准备🫡 @ Zbinael 开始读书的第一个印象是文笔真好,用词讲究又简洁达意;后来惊叹于紧密围绕核心dealmaking逻辑的清晰讲述,对专业术语高屋建瓴外行友好的阐释;最后对shan本人肃然起敬,推进项目争分夺秒、有“大局观”同时关注细节、善于撬动外部资源、目标导向放下面子、从不吝于及时总结和主动内部拉通 – 勤勉、智慧、主观能动性超强的dealmaker形象跃然纸上