Measuring the User Experience

书名:Measuring the User ExperienceCollecting,Analyzing,andPresentingUsabilityMetrics


Measuring the User Experience was the first book that focused on how to quantify the user experience. Now in the second edition, the authors include new material on how recent technologies have made it easier and more effective to collect a broader range of data about the user experience. As more UX and web professionals need to justify their design decisions with solid, reliable data, Measuring the User Experience provides the quantitative analysis training that these professionals need. The second edition presents new metrics such as emotional engagement, personas, keystroke analysis, and net promoter score. It also examines how new technologies coming from neuro-marketing and online market research can refine user experience measurement, helping usability and user experience practitioners make business cases to stakeholders. The book also contains new research and updated examples, including tips on writing online survey questions, six new case studies, and examples using the most recent version of Excel. You can learn which metrics to select for every case, including behavioral, physiological, emotional, aesthetic, gestural, verbal, and physical, as well as more specialized metrics such as eye-tracking and clickstream data. You can find a vendor-neutral examination of how to measure the user experience with web sites, digital products, and virtually any other type of product or system. You can discover in-depth global case studies showing how organizations have successfully used metrics and the information they revealed. It includes articles, tools, spreadsheets, presentations, and other resources to help you effectively measure the user experience.


Thomas S.(Tom)Tullis是富达投资公司(Fidelity Investments)User Insight的高级副总裁。他1993年加入富达,对该公司用户体验(User Experience)部门的发展起了重要作用,该部门的设备包括一个技术发展水平(state,of-the,art)可用性实验室。在加入富达公司之前,Tom曾在佳能信息系统(Canon Information Systems)、麦道(McDonnell Douglas)、优利系统公司(Unisys Corporation)和贝尔实验室(Bell Laboratories)任职。他和富达的可用性团队曾被多家媒体专题报道过,包括《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)、《Business 2.0》、《Money》《波士顿环球报》(The Boston Globe)、《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)和《纽约时报》(The New York Times)。Tullis在莱斯大学(Rice University)获得学士学位、在新墨西哥州立大学获得实验心理学硕士学位,以及在莱斯大学获得工程心理学博士学位。他有30多年的人机界面研究方面的经验,在诸多技术期刊上发表了50多篇文章,他曾在美国和国际会议上作特邀报告。Tom还拥有8项美国专利,他也是Bentley学院信息设计中的人因学课程(Human Factors in Information Design Program)的教师。

William(Bill)Albert目前是富达投资用户体验部门的负责人。在加入富达之前,他是Lycos公司的高级用户界面研究员,也曾是剑桥基础研究(Cambridge Basic Research)的博士后研究人员。在过去几十年里,作为他研究的一部分,Bill几乎使用了所有类型的可用性度量。他发表了20多篇文章,曾在多个行业会议和学术会议上报告他的研究。因为他在人因学和空间认知(spatial cognition)领域内的研究,Albert获得了加利福尼亚大学(theUniversity of California)和日本政府所授予的奖项。他获得了华盛顿大学的学士学位和硕士学位,获得了波士顿大学的博士学位。


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  • 其他还有很多非引导式的可用性测试工具能够简化数据收集的过程,降低其成本。如通过 Userzoom和 Loopll都能有效并低成本地收集大量的可用性数据: Usabilla在整合定性与定量数据方面也非常出色,同时价格也非常合理; Usabilitesting.com提供便捷、快速的服务,用以进行定性的自动式的可用性研究。
    —— 引自章节:1.5 用户体验度量的新技术 / 10
  • 设计一个考虑全面的可用性研究,你必须回答一下问题:1. 我需要什么类型的参加者2.我需要多少个参加者3 我将比较来自单组参加者的数据,还是比较来自多组参加者的数据4我需要平衡任务顺序吗?
    —— 引自第13页
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