Liar's Poker

书名:Liar's PokerFromtheauthoroftheBigShort
豆瓣评分: 9.0


Liar's Poker is a non-fiction, semi-autobiographical book by Michael Lewis describing the author's experiences as a bond salesman on Wall Street during the late 1980s. First published in 1989, it is considered one of the books that define Wall Street during the 1980s, along with Barbarians at the Gate and the fictional The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe. The book captures well an important period in the history of Wall Street. Two important figres in that history feature prominantly in the text, head of mortgage department Lewie Ranieri and firm CEO John Gutfreund. The book's name is taken from Liar's poker, a gambling game popular with the bond traders in the book and played for high stakes. Liar's Poker follows two different story threads, though not necessarily in chronological order. The first thread is autobiographical, and follows Lewis through his college education and his hiring by Salomon Brothers in 1984. This part of the book gives a first-person account of how bond traders and salesmen truly work, their personalities, and their culture. The book captures well an important period in the history of Wall Street. Two important figures in that history feature prominently in the text, head of mortgage department Lewie Ranieri and firm CEO John Gutfreund. The second thread is a sort of history of Salomon Brothers and overview of Wall Street in general, especially how the firm single-handedly created a market for mortgage bonds and made the firm wealthy, only to be outdone by Michael Milken and his junk bonds. This thread is less dependent on Lewis' personal experience and features quotes apparently drawn from interviews with various relevant figures. Lewis jumps back and forth between these two threads in the book.


Michael Lewis (born 1960, New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American contemporary non-fiction author. His bestselling books include Liar's Poker, The New New Thing, Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, and The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.He is a visiting fellow at the University of California at Berkeley.


@ 阿尔卑斯小蜜蜂 Micheal Lewis真的太会讲故事了,也是个很聪明的人,每一章的标题都起的非常应景;看到采访他说这本书讲华尔街的那些“尔虞我诈”,尽量neutral的视角,希望年轻人看到后可以重新审视自己的人生追求不要仅仅为钱而驱动,而去追寻真正所爱的职业理想,哪知道这本书之后成为了很多人追求“华尔街之梦”的指南,叹气 @ Sinan If I win who cares if the world falls over. We will build a better one – let's play liar's poker. @ Ariel Hahhahhahahahahahahah @ Lucyy 能把纪实写的如此好笑也是服气 @ sophie 前所罗门兄弟的salesman的成长之路,生动描述了那个时代,各种人物也悉数登场,展示给读者一段栩栩如生的历史。并未塞入大段理论分析使得金融业界外读者也可借此管中窥豹。 @ Eunoia 怎么说呢 看完The Big Short后感觉这本就没太多新意了 it's bonfire for the vanities – but who am i to judge? @ 阿尔卑斯小蜜蜂 Micheal Lewis真的太会讲故事了,也是个很聪明的人,每一章的标题都起的非常应景;看到采访他说这本书讲华尔街的那些“尔虞我诈”,尽量neutral的视角,希望年轻人看到后可以重新审视自己的人生追求不要仅仅为钱而驱动,而去追寻真正所爱的职业理想,哪知道这本书之后成为了很多人追求“华尔街之梦”的指南,叹气 @ Ariel Hahhahhahahahahahahah @ PerplexedonDB 看完对作者只有满满的羡慕



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