Just Enough Research

书名:Just Enough Research


Design research is a hard slog that takes years to learn and time away from the real work of design, right? Wrong. Good research is about asking more and better questions, and thinking critically about the answers. It’s something every member of your team can and should do, and which everyone can learn, quickly. And done well, it will save you time and money by reducing unknowns and creating a solid foundation to build the right thing, in the most effective way. In Just Enough Research, co-founder of Mule Design Erika Hall distills her experience into a brief cookbook of research methods. Learn how to discover your competitive advantages, spot your own blind spots and biases, understand and harness your findings, and why you should never, ever hold a focus group. You’ll start doing good research faster than you can plan your next pitch.


Erika Hall has been working in web design and development since the late 20th century. In 2001, she co-founded Mule Design Studio where she directs the research, interaction design, and strategy practices. Erika speaks and writes frequently about cross-disciplinary collaboration and the importance of natural language in user interfaces. In her spare time, she battles empty corporate jargon at Unsuck It. She also co-hosts Running from the Law, a weekly podcast on business law and endurance fitness, and can probably outrun you.


@ finnli 对于我这个UX初学者挺有用的。但因为我的知识体系不完整,不知道这本书的价值到底有多高。 @ stand_alone 很好的user research 入门读物,很简单,毕业许久了忘了一些概念流程可以看看就可以迅速记起来。 @ douzisuper One of the best introductory books I've read on user research (and research for business in general). Very spot on with little repetition, and also quite witty and funny. @ finnli One of the best introductory books I've read on user research (and research for business in general). Very spot on with little repetition, and also quite witty and funny. @ stand_alone 很好的user research 入门读物,很简单,毕业许久了忘了一些概念流程可以看看就可以迅速记起来。 @ Frenda 对于我这个UX初学者挺有用的。但因为我的知识体系不完整,不知道这本书的价值到底有多高。


Enough Is Enough
The Basics
The Process
Organizational Research
User Research (Read an excerpt from this chapter online)
Competitive Research
Evaluative Research
Analysis and Models
Quantitative Research
· · · · · ·

  A Book Apart: Brief books for people who make websites(共24册),这套丛书还有《Conversational Design》《The New CSS Layout》《Git for Humans》《HTML5 For Web Designer》《Responsible Responsive Design》等。


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