Hidden in Plain Sight

书名:Hidden in Plain SightHowtoCreateExtraordinaryProductsforTomorrow'sCustomers
豆瓣评分: 7.8


Who are your next customers – not just the ones you are serving today but the ones you'll need three, five, ten years from now? How do you figure out what goods and services will attract them in the future? How do you figure this out ahead of your competitors? According to globe-trotting innovation expert Jan Chipchase, most of the clues are right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. The key is learning to see the ordinary in a revolutionary new way, to see beyond what people are doing to understand why. As Executive Creative Director of Global Insights at frog design, an award-winning global design and innovation company, Chipchase shows us how to see the world differently, drawing on the everyday from making a phone call, to filling up a gas tank through to ascertaining whether its half and half you are pouring into your coffee. He's eternally looking for opportunities-gaps, anomalies, and contradictions-that will give his clients, some of the world's largest companies, a distinct competitive advantage, whether they're delivering the most low-tech bar of soap or through to the most high-tech wireless network. In "Hidden in Plain Sight", Chipchase takes readers on his journeys across the globe, sharing his methods for identifying unmet customer needs. No matter where he stops-whether Kabul or Cleveland-Chipchase's goals are the same: to spot and decode the routines of daily life and to help readers use the very same tools that he and his team use to see – and capitalize upon – what is hidden in plain sight today to create businesses tomorrow.



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  • Unless you're designing wedding rings or pacemakers, there's no such thing as a 24-7-365 user. My colleagues and I spend a great deal of time thinking about touchpoints—the times and places where users would likely be interacting with the product or service we're designing—and triggers that would prompt users to act in one way or another during those times in those places.
    —— 引自第27页
  • When we move from collecting all this information into analyzing and synthesizing it, we are looking to do two things: make sense of our observations and then reveal patterns and trends that we believe are accurate enough to share with our clients.
    —— 引自第29页
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