Go in Action

书名:Go in Action
豆瓣评分: 7.3


Many of the normal concerns you face as an application developer are amplified by the challenges of web-scale concurrency, real-time performance expectations, multi-core support, and efficiently consuming services without constantly managing I/O blocks. Although it's possible to solve most of these issues with existing languages and frameworks, Go is designed to handle them right out of the box, making for a more natural and productive coding experience. Developed at Google for its own internal use, Go now powers dozens of nimble startups, along with name brands like Canonical, Heroku, SoundCloud, and Mozilla, who rely on highly performant services for their infrastructure. Go in Action introduces the Go language, guiding you from inquisitive developer to Go guru. The book begins by introducing the unique features and concepts of Go. (We assume you're up to speed with another programming language already, so don't expect to spend a lot of time rehearsing stuff you already know.) Then, you'll get hands-on experience writing real-world applications including web sites and network servers, as well as techniques to manipulate and convert data at speeds that will make your friends jealous. In the final chapters, you'll go in-depth with the language and see the tricks and secrets that the Go masters are using to make their applications perform. For example, you'll learn to use Go's powerful reflection libraries and work with real-world examples of integration with C code.


Brian Ketelsen and Erik St. Martin are the organizers of GopherCon an annual conference for Go developers and coauthors of the Go-based Skynet framework.Both Brian and Eric work with Go daily in a high-stakes production setting. William Kennedy is a seasoned software developer, author of the blog GoingGo.Net, and organizer for the Go-Miami and Miami MongoDB meetups.


@ 皮皮兔 结构组织得还不错但是好多东西感觉都没讲透,某些语言特色夸上天了也不讲讲滥用带来的弊端。还有我想吐槽都 567章值得看一下。 @ 冰霜新星睡觉 內容樸實,結構簡明,節奏輕快。 要開始寫很多很多 go 了 @ Tony Bai chapter 3-6语法部分写的还是很不错的,图文并茂,对类型的实现说的也算是到位,可以加深对go类型的理解。但7-9感觉一般般吧。chapter 7中用一些图表达一下pattern效果是不是会更好呢。 @ 学fei了 很适合去了解 Go 的一些常见语法元素及惯用法,在此之前需要看一下 Go 官方文档的开头几个系列。并发那一块儿讲得很一般,从网络上搜几篇长文档更好。PS:Python 之禅的一点:"There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it",Go 明显实现得更好:) @ 礼赞 最适合第一次接触 Go 来看,也挺全面但不那么深入,也没有什么练习,之后再看另一本更深一点的最好 @ freedom 入门可以 很详细讲每一步 @ Terence Xie 和 in action 系列其它书一样,简洁明快地去完成一个topic的学习。不过槽点还是有的,感觉作者比较喜欢用大段代码来做示例,于是有很大一部分的冗余,所以好些部分可以跳着看,这也是为什么这本书大概用了三四天的时间就看完了的原因,这个时间还要算上把书中的代码基本都敲了一遍。


1. Introducing Go – FREE
2. Go Quick Start – AVAILABLE
3. Packaging and Tooling
4. Data Structures
5. Understanding Go's Type System
6. Putting Your Computer to Work With Concurrency
7. Using the Go Standard Library
8. Writing Network Applications in Go
9. Debugging and Testing Go Programs
10. Reflection
11. Making Your Applications More Performant
12. Interoperating with C Libraries
13. Using Go for Devops
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