Framework Design Guidelines

书名:Framework Design GuidelinesConventions,Idioms,andPatternsforReusable.NETLibraries(2ndEdition)(Microsoft.NETDevelopmentSeries)
豆瓣评分: 9.1


Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, teaches developers the best practices for designing reusable libraries for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Expanded and updated for .NET 3.5, this new edition focuses on the design issues that directly affect the programmability of a class library, specifically its publicly accessible APIs. This book can improve the work of any .NET developer producing code that other developers will use. It includes copious annotations to the guidelines by thirty-five prominent architects and practitioners of the .NET Framework, providing a lively discussion of the reasons for the guidelines as well as examples of when to break those guidelines. Microsoft architects Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams teach framework design from the top down. From their significant combined experience and deep insight, you will learn * The general philosophy and fundamental principles of framework design * Naming guidelines for the various parts of a framework * Guidelines for the design and extending of types and members of types * Issues affecting-and guidelines for ensuring-extensibility * How (and how not) to design exceptions * Guidelines for-and examples of-common framework design patterns Guidelines in this book are presented in four major forms: Do, Consider, Avoid, and Do not. These directives help focus attention on practices that should always be used, those that should generally be used, those that should rarely be used, and those that should never be used. Every guideline includes a discussion of its applicability, and most include a code example to help illuminate the dialogue. Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, is the only definitive source of best practices for managed code API development, direct from the architects themselves. A companion DVD includes the Designing .N ET Class Libraries video series, instructional presentations by the authors on design guidelines for developing classes and components that extend the .NET Framework. A sample API specification and other useful resources and tools are also included.


krzysztof cwalina 微软公司公共语言运行库(clr)的项目经理。他曾为.net框架的首个版本设计api,并负责框架中的多个名字空间,包括system.collections、system.diagnostics、system.messaging,等等。他也是fxcop开发组的发起成员之一。目前,他正致力于在整个公司范围内开发推广设计规范,并将其应用到.net框架和winfx中。

brad abrams 微软公司公共语言运行库开发组和.net框架开发组的创始成员之一,目前是lead program manager。brad也是公共语言规范(cls)、.net框架设计规范及ecma\iso cli标准中程序库标准的主编。brad与他人合著了programming in the .net environment,他还是.net framework standard library annotated reference(卷1和卷2)的编辑。读者可以从他的blog:中了解他最新的想法。

葛子昂,1998年毕业于南京理工大学计算机系,目前就职于微软亚洲工程院上海分院,致力于windows server的相关研发。之前曾先后任职于上海育碧电脑软件有限公司和上海旭上电子有限公司,从事游戏软件的开发及图形处理器的设计。


@ Franz 有些书需要慢慢读,一点一点地啃。这本书不一样,你可以很轻松地快速阅读完,但读完之后能有多少收获,这和个人的经验是息息相关的:有很多书里的东西只有有过类似的经验才能明白其中的价值。读这本书给我的感觉就像是去微软总部出了一次差,然后CLR的设计者大牛们每天跟你开会聊天,讲讲他们在设计Framework的时候的得失,有哪些有趣的或者遗憾的故事。另外,如果你在工作中使用过FxCop这个工具,可能有些时候根据这个工具预设的rule检查出来的问题你并不能完全理解背后的原因,相信在读完这本书后基本都能找到答案。 @ 因扎吉 有些书需要慢慢读,一点一点地啃。这本书不一样,你可以很轻松地快速阅读完,但读完之后能有多少收获,这和个人的经验是息息相关的:有很多书里的东西只有有过类似的经验才能明白其中的价值。读这本书给我的感觉就像是去微软总部出了一次差,然后CLR的设计者大牛们每天跟你开会聊天,讲讲他们在设计Framework的时候的得失,有哪些有趣的或者遗憾的故事。另外,如果你在工作中使用过FxCop这个工具,可能有些时候根据这个工具预设的rule检查出来的问题你并不能完全理解背后的原因,相信在读完这本书后基本都能找到答案。 @ Franz 都是一针见血的见解!


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