Fragile Lives

书名:Fragile LivesAHeartSurgeon’sStoriesofLifeandDeathontheOperatingTable
豆瓣评分: 9.4


An incredible memoir from one of the world’s most eminent heart surgeons and some of the most remarkable and poignant cases he’s worked on. Grim Reaper sits on the heart surgeon’s shoulder. A slip of the hand and life ebbs away. The balance between life and death is so delicate, and the heart surgeon walks that rope between the two. In the operating room there is no time for doubt. It is flesh, blood, rib-retractors and pumping the vital organ with your bare hand to squeeze the life back into it. An off-day can have dire consequences – this job has a steep learning curve, and the cost is measured in human life. Cardiac surgery is not for the faint of heart. Professor Stephen Westaby took chances and pushed the boundaries of heart surgery. He saved hundreds of lives over the course of a thirty-five year career and now, in his astounding memoir, Westaby details some of his most remarkable and poignant cases – such as the baby who had suffered multiple heart attacks by six months old, a woman who lived the nightmare of locked-in syndrome, and a man whose life was powered by a battery for eight years. A powerful, important and incredibly moving book, Fragile Lives offers an exceptional insight into the exhilarating and sometimes tragic world of heart surgery, and how it feels to hold someone’s life in your hands.


Steve Westaby is a celebrated world-famous heart surgeon who is renowned for being the first surgeon in history to fit a patient with a new type of artificial heart. During his 35-year career as a surgeon he worked at several of the UK’s top hospitals and performed over 11,000 heart operations. He won the Ray C. Fish Award for Scientific Achievement (2004). In 2004 Steve Westaby was featured in the BBC documentary Your Life in Their Hands, which is a long-running series on the subject of surgery.


@ 爱董比利 I will never confuse atrium with ventricle after reading the book. Lives are as fragile as they are strong. Wish there are more brave and excellent doctors as well as affordable life-saving technologies out there. And finally, cherish the best asset of yours since you are not a billionaire–your health. @ Planète Miller 作为一个很想学医的人,这本书满足了我对于医生一切的想象。 @ 小黄兔 心脏外科手术医生的救治经历,非常详细和具体,他的方法和技术也比较前沿。非常非常推荐,比国内那些水水的医生日记有料一千倍。谁知道自己和身边的人会发生什么?里面的个案都非常有代表性,让我更加了解不单是心脏手术,还有医疗的疏忽和延误,生死一线。 @ 菠萝,菠萝! 精彩又感人 @ 痞子笛 一位心外科手术医生的自传,回顾自己做医生几十年的疑难杂症和成长。算是专业书了,虽然并没有学到什么专业知识。算是一本手术医师的自吹自擂,特别是暗戳戳的抨击ICU医生,与现实暗合,让人觉得莞尔。时长10时25分。2020年底听书时长117时17分。#audiobook @ Jessica 虽然不是看完的,是听的音频,还是觉得这是好伟大的职业。充满着人文关怀。 @ 爱董比利 作者是世界一流的心外科医生,上过BBC your life is in their hands那个变态节目(不过估计变态程度是脑外科医生Marsh代表的)。这本书里,作者讲了自己怎么从民工跃升为主刀大夫,更讲了他的职业生涯里接的各种诡异的、悲愤的、且都是血淋淋的外科手术。真是电锯刚硬,人生脆弱啊。 @ Weilling 开始读这本书顺便理解一下自己的心脏。读完了这本感人至深的书。生命是如此脆弱,但有些天才却是如此执着。大量的专业词汇,用iBook读,随时一点字典就出来了,读得很流畅。书里的情节也扣人心弦,不想停下。

Foreword vii
1 The Ether Dome 1
2 Humble Beginnings 14
3 Lord Brock’s Boots 26
4 Township Boy 38
5 The Girl with No Name 54
6 The Man with Two Hearts 85
7 Saving Julie’s Heart 114
8 Black Banana 137
9 Domino Heart 163
10 Life on a Battery 187
11 Anna’s Story 212
12 Mr Clarke 237
13 Adrenaline Rush 247
14 Despair 269
15 Double Jeopardy 285
16 Your Life in Their Hands 305
Afterword 321
Acknowledgements 327
Glossary 333
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