书名:Enigma VariationsANovel
豆瓣评分: 8.0
Italy, where as a boy he has a crush on his parents’ cabinetmaker, or a snowbound campus in New England, where his enduring passion for a girl he’ll meet again and again over the years is punctuated by anonymous encounters with men; whether he’s on a tennis court in Central Park, or on a New York sidewalk in early spring, his attachments are ungraspable, transient, and forever underwritten by raw desire―not for just one person’s body but, inevitably, for someone else’s as well. In Enigma Variations, Aciman maps the most inscrutable corners of passion, proving to be an unsparing reader of the human psyche and a master stylist. With language at once lyrical, bare-knuckled, and unabashedly candid, he casts a sensuous, shimmering light over each facet of desire to probe how we ache, want, and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of those who may want to offer only what we crave from them. Ahead of every step Paul takes, his hopes, denials, fears, and regrets are always ready to lay their traps. Yet the dream of love lingers. We may not always know what we want. We may remain
@ peter 如果不是主角一致完全像一系列毫无联系的短篇小说集,每章强硬反转毫无铺垫最后一段/一句吓死人,way too much无用的细节描写,时间线乱跳,精妙的描写还是有的,只是在cmbyn里看起来有多自然多顺理成章多感人至深,这里就有多突兀多刻意而为多用力过猛 @ Eddie 3 and a half. I have mixed feeling for this book. the first two chapters are brilliantly executed. Chapter 1 is a shorter version of the island gay love in Call me by your name, yet far more suspen… @ 蚂蚁玛丽_ Enigma variation: A fucking miserable life. Thousand words stuck inside. Love is a trap, or a loop that we chased but never reach the end. Since the crowd passing by, we spying, questioning, strugglin… @ 纽约客wannabe 一个循环肉体或者精神出轨的故事。我倒是对出轨没太大意见,但是尼采的star relationship你倒是给我多点精神,少点肉体啊。 虐恋嘛,一旦转精神为肉体,就是煎过了头的五花肉,嚼着只有渣。 @ athanos 应该说call me by your name像点心,精致紧凑、读完意犹未尽;这本书像四道菜的正餐,层层烘托,细细缱绻。这本书中的内容换了好几个对象也只是重复cmbyn第一部暧昧的部分,后面的甜和分别后的酸(正是我最喜欢的部分)都没有涉及,所以我还是更喜欢点心。 @ DullBoy 多情的人。暗戀比明戀誘人好看。 @ kolal84 看到第四个故事和大学女友旧情复燃 瞬间觉得前一个故事描写的对Manfred的那些意淫和渴望 掉了一地鸡毛 就好像突然有人叫醒我 告诉我说荷尔蒙带来的迷恋终究是短暂的 没结束整本书 还是最喜欢看他写暗恋的那些情绪 和第一个故事 @ Monaghan // How come I have so many Manfreds but not one Oliver? @ preOblivion I love how Andre executes the fluidity of sexuality and the utter romanticism, but he writes much better gay love stories. @ 1001 Nights of 断断续续终于看完了 Aciman审美疲劳……