Damn Right

书名:Damn RightBehindtheSceneswithBerkshireHathawayBillionaireCharlieMunger
豆瓣评分: 8.8


Praise for Damn Right! From the author of the bestselling WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS. . . "Charlie Munger, whose reputation is deep and wide, based on an extraordinary record of brilliantly successful business strategies, sees things that others don't. There is a method to his mastery and, through this book, we get a chance to learn about this rare individual." -MICHAEL EISNER, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company "Janet Lowe uncovers the iconoclastic genius and subtle charm behind Charlie Munger's curmudgeonly facade in this richly woven portrait of our era's heir to Ben Franklin. With a biographer's detachment, an historian's thoroughness, and a financial writer's common sense, Lowe produces a riveting account of the family, personal, and business life of the idiosyncratically complex and endlessly fascinating figure." -LAWRENCE CUNNINGHAM, Cardozo Law School, Author of The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America "For years, Berkshire Hathaway shareholders and investors worldwide (me included) have struggled to learn more about Warren Buffett's cerebral sidekick. Now we can rest and enjoy reading Janet Lowe's book about this rare intellectual jewel called Charlie Munger." -ROBERT G. HAGSTROM, Author of The Warren Buffett Way "Charlie has lived by the creed that one should live a life that doesn't need explaining. But his life should be explained. In a city where heroism is too often confused with celebrity, Charlie is a true hero and mentor. He lives the life lessons that he has studiously extracted from other true heroes and mentors, from Ben Franklin to Ben Graham. This book illuminates those life lessons." -RONALD L. OLSON, Munger, Tolles & Olson llp "Janet Lowe's unprecedented access to Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett has resulted in a first-class book that investors, academics, and CEOs will find entertaining and highly useful."-TIMOTHY P. VICK, Money Manager and Author of How to Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett


Janet Lowe's career as a writer has included everything from freelance feature writer to technical writer, poet, reporter, editor, media spokesperson and author of 18 books and audiotapes.

The "Speaks" series — small, carefully researched biographies of American leaders including Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jack Welch, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and the founders of Google — are her best-known books. Among her full-length biographies is Damn Right: The Story of Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger.

Lowe is a leading authority on the value investing theory. Her books on that subject include Benjamin Graham on Value Investing, Value Investing Made Easy and others.

Her books have been reviewed by USAToday, Newsweek, Barron's, and dozens of other national publications. She has been a guest on Jim Lehrer's News Hour, the PBS Nightly Business Report, CNN, CNBC and many national and local televisions shows.

Lowe's freelance articles have appeared in more than 100 publications including Newsweek, the Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, Dallas Morning News, the San Jose Mercury News, San Diego Union-Tribune, Modern Maturity, Planning Magazine and others.

A popular public speaker, Janet has addressed investment seminars in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. She has appeared before audiences at the University of Nebraska and University of Nevada at Las Vegas business schools. She has been a guest speaker at the New York City Financial Analyst's Society and has been asked to speak to private companies such as Brandes Investment Partners in Del Mar, California.

Lowe grew up in California and Nevada, attended Las Vegas High School and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Economics from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. She earned her Master's Degree in Mass Communications from San Diego State University. She completed a Wharton Business School fellowship and has a lifetime teaching certificate in California.

Janet has been a San Diego YMCA Woman of Achievement. She is past president of both the San Diego County Press Club and Society of Professional Journalists. She was named San Diego Press Club's Journalist of the Year in 2000 and again in 2007.


@ 毛呢 simple not simpler with common sense uncommon永久组合: 平安 万科 好未来 信立泰 圣湘生物 阿里 腾讯 中信证券 南京银行 @ Mary Love this book. – Love Charlie. @ 绿黎藤 有一本因为受不了听别人的家长里短而放弃的传记 – – @ 松子Xiaobing 说实话我觉得写得很零散 @ K2 This is a great biography of Charlie Munger @ Nobody 好长的传记,如果你对两位老头子感兴趣,这本能丰富不少细节。看完更觉得查理讲中国的粉丝大多是书呆子一点都没有错了。 @ 毛呢 simple not simpler with common sense uncommon永久组合: 平安 万科 好未来 信立泰 圣湘生物 阿里 腾讯 中信证券 南京银行 @ 绿黎藤 有一本因为受不了听别人的家长里短而放弃的传记 – – @ Geniosis 看中英两版的不同评分,我就知道这书只能看原版……没想到我书架上有😁 midwest valuemulti-discipline芒格前76年的故事,


  • 查理关于思维方法的5条观念:1、通常简化问题最好的方法就是先把一些无需费神就能做出判断的大事情决定下来。2、科学事实通常只有通过数学方式才能揭示,数学就仿佛是上帝的语言。3、仅仅会用正向方式来思考问题是远远不够的。必须学会逆向思维,就像一个村夫想知道他会死在什么地方,这样他就永远不会去那个地方。4、最好最实用的智慧就存在于基本知识中。不过有一个极其重要的限定条件:你必须用跨学科的方式来进行思考。你要习以为常地使用在每一门基础学科的一年级课程中会学到的那些简单易学的道理。5、真正伟大的,非常出色的成果通常只可能是很多因素综合作用下的结果。其它:6、做牛逼的事。做一些别人做不到的事。7、查理总是说:“你再多想想就会同意我的意见,因为你很聪明,而我是正确的。”8、当你认为有一些人或者一些不公平的事情正在侵害你的生活时,其实是你自己在把自己的生活搞得一团糟。
    —— 引自第1页
  • 一旦我吸收了教训,就不会花很多时间后悔过去所做的事情。我不会跟过往纠缠不休。
    —— 引自章节:第4章青年时期的战争与爱情
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