Capitalism without Capital

书名:Capitalism without CapitalTheRiseoftheIntangibleEconomy
豆瓣评分: 8.2


The first comprehensive account of the growing dominance of the intangible economy Early in the twenty-first century, a quiet revolution occurred. For the first time, the major developed economies began to invest more in intangible assets, like design, branding, R&D, and software, than in tangible assets, like machinery, buildings, and computers. For all sorts of businesses, from tech firms and pharma companies to coffee shops and gyms, the ability to deploy assets that one can neither see nor touch is increasingly the main source of long-term success. But this is not just a familiar story of the so-called new economy. Capitalism without Capital shows that the growing importance of intangible assets has also played a role in some of the big economic changes of the last decade. The rise of intangible investment is, Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake argue, an underappreciated cause of phenomena from economic inequality to stagnating productivity. Haskel and Westlake bring together a decade of research on how to measure intangible investment and its impact on national accounts, showing the amount different countries invest in intangibles, how this has changed over time, and the latest thinking on how to assess this. They explore the unusual economic characteristics of intangible investment, and discuss how these features make an intangible-rich economy fundamentally different from one based on tangibles. Capitalism without Capital concludes by presenting three possible scenarios for what the future of an intangible world might be like, and by outlining how managers, investors, and policymakers can exploit the characteristics of an intangible age to grow their businesses, portfolios, and economies.


Jonathan Haskel is professor of economics at Imperial College Business School.

Stian Westlake is a senior fellow at Nesta, the UK’s national foundation for innovation. Haskel and Westlake are cowinners of the 2017 Indigo Prize.


@ rainbowsmoke 经济发展正在经历从物质性生产到基于思想、知识与技术生产的转化(如软件、数据、研发、设计与品牌等)。无形资本兴起的故事存在一个出乎意料的侧面:在金融危机发生之际,无形资产投资的增长开始放缓。这种放缓之所以令人唏嘘,是因为几十年来,以无形资产为主导的公司在世界股票市场上的地位不断提升;而在微观层面上,人们对无形资产投资的需求丝毫没有减弱的迹象。然而,这类投资增长的停滞不仅是全球金融危机引致的暂时性后果。这种衰退将是长期性现象,并且构成了21世纪资本主义大国经济停滞的一个重要原因。版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。作者:普林斯顿读书汇(来自豆瓣)来源: @ 口头禅什么鬼 其实一些观点在别处也看到过,这本书的特殊在于作者以“无形资产“连结许多相关内容,算是一种比较别出心裁的视角。最受触动的是第6章的内容。


  • In 1999, the US BEA introduced software as an investment into the calculation of US GDP.
    —— 引自第40页
  • Baruch Lev, a professor of accounting at New York University, wrote an influential book on how companies should manage and account for this new class of inverstment [Lev 2001].
    —— 引自第41页
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