Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds

书名:Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair ReynoldsTheBestofAlastairReynolds
豆瓣评分: 9.5


This is an amazing collection of some of the best short fiction ever written in the SF genre, by an author acclaimed as 'the mastersinger of space opera' THE TIMES.With an introduction by noted SF critic Johnathan Strahan, this collection of twenty short stories, novellettes and novellas includes MINLA'S FLOWERS, SIGNAL TO NOISE, TROIKA, and seven previous uncollected stories, including TRAUMA POD, THE WATER THIEF and IN BABELSBERG.Alastair Reynolds has won the Sidewise Award and been nominated for The Hugo Awards for his short fiction. One of the most thought-provoking and accomplished short-fiction writers of our time, this collection is a delight for all SF readers


Alastair Preston Reynolds (born 13 March 1966) is a British science fiction author. He specialises in hard science fiction and space opera. He spent his early years in Cornwall, moved back to Wales before going to Newcastle University, where he read physics and astronomy. Afterwards, he earned a PhD in astrophysics from the University of St Andrews. In 1991, he moved to Noordwijk in the Netherlands where he met his wife Josette (who is from France). There, he worked for the European Space Research and Technology Centre (part of the European Space Agency) until 2004 when he left to pursue writing full-time. He returned to Wales in 2008 and lives near Cardiff. (


@ Zbinael Reynolds的中短篇合集,普遍可以打三点五星以上,其中Beyond the Aquila Rift, Zima Blue, Fury, Diamond Dogs可以打五星,而其中我最爱的是Zima Blue和Diamond Dogs,即便后者借鉴别人作品的基础上改写的。扣一星是因为作者作为男人想象的那些女性经历,呃,no thank you。但是我很宽容,还是很期待开始看作者的长篇了。太空歌剧是什么我不懂啊,写故事写得好是真的。 @ 违法阻却事由 Reynolds的中短篇合集,普遍可以打三点五星以上,其中Beyond the Aquila Rift, Zima Blue, Fury, Diamond Dogs可以打五星,而其中我最爱的是Zima Blue和Diamond Dogs,即便后者借鉴别人作品的基础上改写的。扣一星是因为作者作为男人想象的那些女性经历,呃,no thank you。但是我很宽容,还是很期待开始看作者的长篇了。太空歌剧是什么我不懂啊,写故事写得好是真的。 @ ggggreceneooo 好喜欢it helped us to help them,took our minds off our own-pity,太适合爱死机这个主题了 @ 鲁提辖的跑马地 为了LDR看的,不错不错 @ 水牛牛 爱死机中影响最深刻的一集,看完后赶紧找来小说,youtube上听了有声书,又把中文翻译版看了一次。非常喜欢,对宇宙之大、时间之漫长的传递震撼人心 @ common reader 设定太棒了,尤其天鹰座裂隙之外这篇。母巢里看似可怕的蜘蛛实则是怀有悲悯之心的“母虫”为因句法等原因偏航进入天鹰座裂隙之外的迷途者提供情感支持,颅内模拟的形式让大家逐渐接受现实,互相取暖。


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  • 我这一存在微不足道,但在我大脑中有着整个转动不休的银河系。
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