Average Is Over

书名:Average Is OverPoweringAmericaBeyondtheAgeoftheGreatStagnation
豆瓣评分: 7.2


Widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most influential economists, Tyler Cowen returns with his groundbreaking follow-up to the New York Times bestseller The Great Stagnation. The widening gap between rich and poor means dealing with one big, uncomfortable truth: If you’re not at the top, you’re at the bottom. The global labor market is changing radically thanks to growth at the high end—and the low. About three quarters of the jobs created in the United States since the great recession pay only a bit more than minimum wage. Still, the United States has more millionaires and billionaires than any country ever, and we continue to mint them. In this eye-opening book, renowned economist and bestselling author Tyler Cowen explains that phenomenon: High earners are taking ever more advantage of machine intelligence in data analysis and achieving ever-better results. Meanwhile, low earners who haven’t committed to learning, to making the most of new technologies, have poor prospects. Nearly every business sector relies less and less on manual labor, and this fact is forever changing the world of work and wages. A steady, secure life somewhere in the middle—average—is over. With The Great Stagnation, Cowen explained why median wages stagnated over the last four decades; in Average Is Over he reveals the essential nature of the new economy, identifies the best path forward for workers and entrepreneurs, and provides readers with actionable advice to make the most of the new economic landscape. It is a challenging and sober must-read but ultimately exciting, good news. In debates about our nation’s economic future, it will be impossible to ignore.


Tyler Cowen (/ˈkaʊ.ən/; born January 21, 1962) is an American economist, academic, and writer. He occupies the Holbert L. Harris Chair of economics, as a professor at George Mason University, and is co-author, with Alex Tabarrok, of the popular economics blog Marginal Revolution. Cowen and Tabarrok have also ventured into online education by starting Marginal Revolution University. He currently writes a regular column for Bloomberg View. He also has written for such publications as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Time, Wired, Newsweek, and the Wilson Quarterly. Cowen also serves as faculty director of George Mason's Mercatus Center, a university research center that focuses on the market economy. In February 2011, Cowen received a nomination as one of the most influential economists in the last decade in a survey by The Economist. He was ranked #72 among the "Top 100 Global Thinkers" in 2011 by Foreign Policy Magazine "for finding markets in everything."

Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


@ Fritz 这种有人按照你的思路在思考,但想的比你远比你深的感觉很好 @ 元非 国际象棋的内容太多, Tyler Cowen 曾是美国16岁以下排名第二的棋手(翻墙自理):http://nezhmet.wordpress.com/ 涉及经济的点评都有意思,其他的(特别是国际象棋)和未来预测都鸡肋 @ ilaria the average is over! @ 地下宇航员 Insightful but overwritten. @ [已注销] Cowen sees new technologies leading to a future where only elites with advanced education or specialized skills will be able to get work. @ 庄常飞 涉及经济的点评都有意思,其他的(特别是国际象棋)和未来预测都鸡肋 @ ilaria the average is over! @ GW_Parables 非常啰嗦 我觉得科技的作用被夸大了。而且作者对本国两党政治的认识似乎反了 还是我眼拙看错了。 @ 地下宇航员 Insightful but overwritten.


  • How should you be planning your ownpersonal development so that you can take advantage of these trendsrather than have them take advantage of you? This is a popular topic, it seems likeevery day you see a new opinion piece about robots taking all of ourjobs… I think a lot of these pieces exaggerate the facts. Personally Ithink that although the advancements in deep learning and neural netsare impressive, I don’t think we’re on an imminent path and there’sgoing to be a level of artificial intelligence that can do all the jobsthat humans can do. But what you really want to be doing inyour profession is pushing up the scale, because the further you push upthe scale, the deeper your skill and competence is, the more you’regoing to resist erosion from this middle vacuum …
    —— 引自第184页
  • He [Cowen] really maps out a transitionpath that he imagines we’re going to go through. This isn’t something wego through collectively, meaning that we’re entirely at one stage andthen we’re entirely at another stage, butrather,individual industries and individual job positions are going to gothrough these stages and it may take a short amount of time, or it mayhave already happened for some… There are four stages in total. The first is “man only” where there’s ahuman being who is working on a specific job. The next is the “human +machine” where the human is doing the bulk of the work but is using thesoftware or the tools to facilitate the work.The next is a“machine + human” combo where the machine is doing most of the work andthe human being is there simply to mo…
    —— 引自第185页
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