What Money Can't Buy

书名:What Money Can't BuyTheMoralLimitsofMarkets
豆瓣评分: 8.2


A renowned political philosopher rethinks the role that markets and money should play in our society Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Should we put a price on human life to decide how much pollution to allow? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars, outsourcing inmates to for-profit prisons, auctioning admission to elite universities, or selling citizenship to immigrants willing to pay? In his New York Times bestseller What Money Can’t Buy, Michael J. Sandel takes up one of the biggest ethical questions of our time: Isn’t there something wrong with a world in which everything is for sale? If so, how can we prevent market values from reaching into spheres of life where they don’t belong? What are the moral limits of markets? In recent decades, market values have crowded out nonmarket norms in almost every aspect of life. Without quite realizing it, Sandel argues, we have drifted from having a market economy to being a market society. In Justice, an international bestseller, Sandel showed himself to be a master at illuminating, with clarity and verve, the hard moral questions we confront in our everyday lives. Now, in What Money Can’t Buy, he provokes a debate that’s been missing in our market-driven age: What is the proper role of markets in a democratic society, and how can we protect the moral and civic goods that markets do not honor and money cannot buy?


Michael J. Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University. His legendary 'Justice' course is the first Harvard course made freely available online (www.JusticeHarvard.org) and on television. Hiss work has been translated into 15 languages and been the subject of television series in the U.K., the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Sweden, and the Middle East. He has delivered the Tanner Lectures at Oxford and been a visiting professor at the Sorbonne, Paris. In 2010, China Newsweek named him the "most influential foreign figure of the year" in China. Sandel was the 2009 BBC Reith Lecturer, and his most recent book Justice is an international bestseller.


@ Creative 在中国青年报读到介绍。 @ 烫干丝 看完才知道"没有买不到,只有想不到"(btw,这是正面评价)。另外,作者的论述翻来覆去就那么两三个,大半篇幅都在举例〜 @ 徐栖 基本上是现象的罗列和反复强调经济学的道德界限。指出经济学在社会各个领域的过度渗透确实有意义,但书里的东西在 the Atlantic 上写篇8000字的文章其实也就可以说清楚了。 @ Heather的冬天 和《Justice》一样好看。通过一个个案例来让读者思考:你是想要一个market economy还是甘愿生活在market society里? @ 装睡的人 段子与剪报集 @ copyist 作者对中国的医院挂号黄牛还挺了解。


Introduction: Markets and Morals Market Triumphalism
Everything for Sale
The Role of Markets
Our Rancorous Politics 3
1 Jumping the Queue: Airports, Amusement Parks, Car Pool Lanes
Hired Line Standers
Ticket Scalpers
Concierge Doctors
Markets Versus Queues
Yosemite Campsites
Papal Masses
Springsteen Concerts 17
2 Incentives: Cash for Sterilization
The Economic Approach to Life
Paying Kids for Good Grades
Bribes to Lose Weight
Selling the Right to Immigrate
A Market in Refugees
Speeding Tickets and Subway Cheats
Tradable Procreation Permits
Tradable Pollution Permits
Carbon Offsets
Paying to Kill an Endangered Rhino
Ethics and Economics 43
3 How Markets Crowd Out Morals: Hired Friends
Bought Apologies and Wedding Toasts
The Case Against Gifts
Auctioning College Admission
Coercion and Corruption
Nuclear Waste Sites
Donation Days and Day-Care Pickups
Blood for Sale
Economizing Love 93
4 Markets in Life and Death: Janitors Insurance
Betting on Death
Internet Death Pools
Insurance Versus Gambling
The Terrorism Futures Market
The Lives of Strangers
Death Bonds 131
5 Naming Rights: Autographs for Sale
Corporate-Sponsored Home Runs
Luxury Skyboxes
Bathroom Advertising
Ads in Books
Body Billboards
Branding the Public Square
Branded Lifeguards and Nature Trails
Police Cars and Fire Hydrants
Commercials in the Classroom
Ads in Jails
The Skyboxification of Everyday Life 163
Notes 207
Acknowledgments 233
Index 237
· · · · · ·

  • Democracy does not require perfect equality, but it does require that citizens share in common life. What matters is that people of different backgrounds and social positions encounter one another, and bump up against one another, in the course of everyday life. For this is how we learn to negotiate and abide our differences, and how we come to care for common good.
    —— 引自第256页
  • 对经济学家而言,排队购买商品和获得服务不仅是一种浪费,而且还是低效的。让人们在高速公路上通过付费获得快捷服务,是通过让人们为自己的时间定价的方式来提高经济效率。当流浪汉戈梅斯为一名听证会的游说者排队时,CNN记者采访了他。他说:“坐在国会大厅里让我感觉好一些,这提升了我,让我感觉自己也许就属于这里。”腐败远不是指贿赂和非法支付。腐蚀一件物品或一种社会惯例也是在贬低它,也就是以一种较低的评价方式而不是适合它的评价方式来对待它。国会听证会收取入场费的做法就是这种意义上的腐败。John Seabrook指出唱片是商品,音乐会则是社交活动。人们通过衡量他们所具有的各种选项的成本和收益,并选择一个他们认为会给他们带来最大福利或功利的选项来决定做什么事情。如果你打算用金钱激励措施去鼓励人们,那你要么给予足够多的钱,要么一分钱都不给。广告刻在每个鸡蛋上,用一项激光蚀刻技术,能把公司的标识和广告语蚀刻在蛋壳上。2001年,英国小说家Fay Weldon出版了由珠宝公司Bulgari委托撰写的小说,同意在小说中至少提到Bulgari珠宝12次。
    —— 引自第1页
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