Programming Rust, 2nd Edition

书名:Programming Rust, 2nd EditionFast,SafeSystemsDevelopment
豆瓣评分: 9.8


The Rust programming language offers the rare and valuable combination of statically verified memory safety and low-level control. Imagine C++ but without dangling pointers, null pointer dereferences, leaks, or buffer overruns. With this practical guide, systems programmers will understand Rust’s rules clearly and economically. You’ll learn how to express programs that Rust can prove are free of a broad class of common errors. Rust brings the benefits of an expressive modern type system to systems programming. Authors Jim Blandy and Jason Orendorff demonstrate how Rust’s features put programmers in control over memory consumption and processor use, combining predictable performance with memory safety and trustworthy concurrency. You’ll learn: How to write fast, safe, concurrent programs in Rust Rust’s rules for managing memory efficiently, including ownership, borrowing, moves, and lifetimes How to design interfaces that fit well into the Rust ecosystem Rust’s all-purpose Cargo tool for building, testing, and managing Rust packages High-level features like traits, generics, closures, and iterators that make Rust productive and flexible


Jim Blandy has been programming since 1981, and writing Free software since 1990. He has been the maintainer of GNU Emacs and GNU Guile, and a maintainer of GDB, the GNU Debugger. He is one of the original designers of the Subversion version control system. Jim now works on Firefox’s web developer tools for Mozilla.


@ Geo 傻瓜式教程。。没有比这本更简单、清晰、透彻的了。。比官方的那本更深入浅出 @ et 如果 Rust 的书只看一本的话,我选这本( 内容很不错,主要用来在读中文版的时候进行对照,特别是碰到不太确定的内容时。 @ Geo 相比起the book很多章节确实更深入一些 @ 豆友ed1-FJYCCE 推荐 @ siyu zou 字典性质的书。 @ 豆友191391876 指出一点小瑕疵,sync和send并不是包含关系,原书中的图有误导,相关的文字性阐述不清晰


  • You've heard that Rust lets you write safe, fase, concurrent programs. This is the chapter where we show you how it's done. We'll cover three ways to use Rust threads:1. Fork-join parallelism2. Channels3. Shared muatble state
    —— 引自第458页
  • A panic is not a crash. It’s not undefined behavior. It’s more like a RuntimeException in Java or a std::logic_error in C++. The behavior is well-defined; it just shouldn’t be happening.Panic is safe. It doesn’t violate any of Rust’s safety rules; even if you manage to panic in the middle of a standard library method, it will never leave a dangling pointer or a half-initialized value in memory. The idea is that Rust catches the invalid array access, or whatever it is, before anything bad happens. It would be unsafe to proceed, so Rust unwinds the stack. But the rest of the process can continue running.Panic is per thread. One thread can be panicking while other threads are going on about their normal business. In Chapter19, we’ll show how a parent thread can find out when a child threa…
    —— 引自第1页
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