Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements

书名:Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial StatementsTheSearchfortheCompanywithaDurableCompetitiveAdvantage
豆瓣评分: 7.0


With an insider's view of the mind of the master, Mary Buffett and David Clark have written a simple guide for reading financial statements from Warren Buffett's succccessful perspective. Buffett and Clark clearly outline Warren Buffett's strategies in a way that will appeal to newcomers and seasoned Buffettologists alike. Inspired by the seminal work of Buffett's mentor, Benjamin Graham ( The Interpretation of Financial Statements , 1937), this book presents Buffett's interpretation of financial statements with anecdotes and quotes from the master investor himself. Potential investors will discover: • Buffett's time-tested dos and don'ts for interpreting an income statement and balance sheet • Why high research and development costs can kill a great business • How much debt Buffett thinks a company can carry before it becomes too dangerous to touch • The financial ratios and calculations that Buffett uses to identify the company with a durable competitive advantage — which he believes makes for the winning long-term investment • How Buffett uses financial statements to value a company • What kinds of companies Warren stays away from no matter how cheap their selling price Once readers complete and master Buffett's simple financial calculations and methods for interpreting a company's financial statement, they'll be well on their way to identifying which companies are going to be tomorrow's winners — and which will be the losers they should avoid at all costs. Destined to become a classic in the world of investment books, Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements is the perfect companion volume to The New Buffettology and The Tao of Warren Buffett .




@ Godlike 准备Consulting Case的时候读的。感觉还不错,让我这个工科出身的人相对系统地理清了income statement, balance sheet, & cash flow statement的内容和关系。关于投资,我想应该并没有得到Buffet的精髓,只是一些粗略的总结罢了。 对上述三种statement的分析都围绕着Invest in companies that have durable competitive advantage. Valuation那块还有些意思,把stock/equity当作bond, 把return on equity当作coupon来看。 @ TZOO 财报基础入门,对小白还是很友好 @ V-Miracle Financial Statements 101 Aug 31 财报基础入门,对小白还是很友好 @ celestesky 虽不够精简,但整体分析框架非常清晰,不过这套方法论显然不适用于科技股 @ baisr 3天读完,读起来蛮轻松的,适合我这种小白,学到了很多 @ 新月 会计是金融市场的守夜人。不长的一本书,讲了巴菲特采用的比较基础的会计尺度。个人读后还是感觉收获了一些方法论的。


  • 巴菲特分析损益表主要关注以下8个指标:1.毛利率:巴菲特认为,只有具备某种可持续竞争优势的公司才能在长期运营中一直保持盈利,尤其是毛利率在40%及以上的公司,我们应该查找公司在过去10年的年毛利率,以确保是否具有持续性。2.销售费用及一般管理费用占销售收入的比例:越少越好,30%以下最好。3.研发开支:巴菲特总是回避那些必须经常花费巨额研发开支的公司,尤其是高科技公司。4.折旧费用:巴菲特发现,那些具有持续性竞争优势的公司相对于那些陷入过度竞争困境的公司而言,其折旧费实占毛利润的比例较低。5.利息费用:具有持续竞争优势的公司几乎不需要支付利息。在消费品类领域,巴菲特所钟爱的那些具有持续竞争优势的公司,其利息支出均小于其营业利润的15%。6.税前利润。7.净利润是否一致保持在总收入的20%以上。8.每股收益对于巴菲特来说,利润的来源比利润本身更具有意义。
    —— 引自第31页
  • 公司的可持续性竞争优势能够创造高毛利率,因为这种竞争优势可以让企业对其产品或服务进行自由定价,让售价远远高于产品成本。倘若缺乏持续竞争优势,公司只能通过降低产品及服务价格来保持竞争力。毛利率较高的公司也有可能会误入歧途,并且丧失其长期竞争优势,一是过高的研发费用,其次是过高的销售和管理费用,还有就是过高的债务利息支出。这三种费用中的任何一种如果过高,都有可能削弱企业的长期经济原动力。这些被称为营业费用,它们是所有公司的眼中钉。
    —— 引自第38页
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