$2.00 a Day

书名:$2.00 a DayLivingonAlmostNothinginAmerica
豆瓣评分: 7.9


A revelatory account of poverty in America so deep that we, as a country, don’t think it exists Jessica Compton’s family of four would have no cash income unless she donated plasma twice a week at her local donation center in Tennessee. Modonna Harris and her teenage daughter Brianna in Chicago often have no food but spoiled milk on weekends. After two decades of brilliant research on American poverty, Kathryn Edin noticed something she hadn’t seen since the mid-1990s — households surviving on virtually no income. Edin teamed with Luke Shaefer, an expert on calculating incomes of the poor, to discover that the number of American families living on $2.00 per person, per day, has skyrocketed to 1.5 million American households, including about 3 million children. Where do these families live? How did they get so desperately poor? Edin has “turned sociology upside down” (Mother Jones) with her procurement of rich — and truthful — interviews. Through the book’s many compelling profiles, moving and startling answers emerge. The authors illuminate a troubling trend: a low-wage labor market that increasingly fails to deliver a living wage, and a growing but hidden landscape of survival strategies among America’s extreme poor. More than a powerful exposé, $2.00 a Day delivers new evidence and new ideas to our national debate on income inequality. – See more at: http://www.hmhco.com/shop/books/200-a-Day/9780544303188#productInfo


Kathryn Edin


am the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in the Department of Sociology, Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health. I received my Ph.D. in sociology from Northwestern University in 1991 and I have also taught at Rutgers University, Northwestern University, the University of Pennsylvania, and, most recently, Harvard University as a Professor of Public Policy and Management at the Harvard Kennedy School and chair of their Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy. I am a Trustee of the Russell Sage Foundation and on the Department of Health and Human Services advisory committee for the poverty research centers at Michigan, Wisconsin, and Stanford. I am a founding member of the MacArthur Foundation-funded Network on Housing and Families with Young Children and a past member of the MacArthur Network on the Family and the Economy. In 2014 I became a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

H. Luke Shaefer

Associate Professor of Social Work and Associate Professor of Public Policy

Luke Shaefer's research focuses on the effectiveness of the United States’ social safety net in serving low-wage workers and economically disadvantaged families.

His recent work explores rising levels of extreme poverty in the United States, the impact of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on material hardships, barriers to unemployment insurance faced by vulnerable workers, and strategies for increasing access to oral health care in the United States.

Shaefer is further interested in non-profit management, particularly the economics of social service administration. He has significant non-profit program management experience and has served as board president for a public foundation and an education nonprofit.


@ 功夫熊猫小碗熊 考察美国不同地区(大城市贫民区、破落工业城市、南方农业区和逐渐有起色的中小城市)中每人日可支配现金不超过2美元(略高于世行UN贫困线,美本国贫困线1/8到1/5)家庭生活状态。现金为王、稳定地址和可观身体是就业先决条件的美式生活方式,缺乏现金收入剥夺赤贫家庭稳定有序生活的机会。福利改革后除食物券外现金福利、退税等多以稳定低收入工作为条件,但大量单身母亲和赤贫人口投入市场,低收入服务业工作状况进一步恶化,部分社区彻底凋敝,无现金困境更为突出。兼职就业、忍受低工资、频繁换工、非法交易福利以至个人身份,踏入非正式经济,卖血浆,居无定所依赖救助,食物券用完后只吃杯面,依靠不太可靠且改善不多的亲人网络维生,各出奇谋维持生计。但结尾提出用更完善的工作要求确保赤贫重新融入社会和美国价值,似适得其反。 @ 菌 写的倒是很亲民很故事性,没什么直接的理论引用,或多或少还是让我联想到了Marx/Spitzer对于资本主义市场的描述,万分符合这些赤贫家庭找不到工作只能做social junk/dynamite的地步。比较有意思是美国历届政府如何将“福利养穷人养懒人”(里根口中的welfare queen)根植于人心,并将其归因于个人失职而非结构因素,真是糟糕透了。农村的赤贫家庭比大城市中的家庭更岌岌可危。始终没有搞懂研究的方法论是怎样的,通常是给受访者一部分钱做补偿,但对于如此赤贫的家庭到底怎样的补偿才不至于影响研究的中立性。结尾中提出要为家庭提供就业、住房、以及现金流太理想了 Chris @ 妈的马克斯 发达工业社会里的贫穷根源不在个人努力与否,而是系统的局部失灵。 @ 妈的马克斯 发达工业社会里的贫穷根源不在个人努力与否,而是系统的局部失灵。 @ tumbler爱自由 “A little bit of cash means a little bit of freedom.” @ Clairaca~ 关于福利的部分写的很好,很多事情以前根本没想过啊。it is really a world apart. @ 猪脸张 灯塔国的另一面,深刻地揭露了美帝国主义腐朽的社会体质和受资本家欺压,又被统治阶级剥夺了最基本的社会福利保障的无产阶级人民的悲惨生活 @ 若耶之溪 In the beginning there is a brief history about American welfare reform. I find that the most informative. The detailed account of the history is also helpful.


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