Working Backwards

书名:Working BackwardsInsights,Stories,andSecretsfromInsideAmazon
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Working Backwards is an insider's breakdown of Amazon's approach to culture, leadership, and best practices from two long-time Amazon executives. Colin started at Amazon in 1998; Bill joined in 1999. In Working Backwards, these two long-serving Amazon executives reveal and codify the principles and practices that drive the success of one of the most extraordinary companies the world has ever known. With twenty-seven years of Amazon experience between them, much of it in the early aughts―a period of unmatched innovation that brought products and services including Kindle, Amazon Prime, Amazon Studios, and Amazon Web Services to life―Bryar and Carr offer unprecedented access to the Amazon way as it was refined, articulated, and proven to be repeatable, scalable, and adaptable. With keen analysis and practical steps for applying it at your own company―no matter the size―the authors illuminate how Amazon’s fourteen leadership principles inform decision-making at all levels and reveal how the company’s culture has been defined by four characteristics: customer obsession, long-term thinking, eagerness to invent, and operational excellence. Bryar and Carr explain the set of ground-level practices that ensure these are translated into action and flow through all aspects of the business. Working Backwards is a practical guidebook and a corporate narrative, filled with the authors’ in-the-room recollections of what “Being Amazonian” is like and how it has affected their personal and professional lives. They demonstrate that success on Amazon’s scale is not achieved by the genius of any single leader, but rather through commitment to and execution of a set of well-defined, rigorously-executed principles and practices―shared here for the very first time.


[美] 柯林·布里亚(Colin Bryar)

在过去的25年里,领导了数字平台业务的所有发展阶段:早期初创公司、高增长的中期公司和知名的跨国公司。他曾在亚马逊(副总裁)、IMDB(首席运营官)和阿里巴巴旗下的大红市(RED MART)Redmart(首席运营官)等公司担任高级领导的职务。他与杰夫·贝佐斯并肩工作了两年多,担任贝佐斯的技术顾问。在此期间,亚马逊的几个关键业务得以构想和发展,其中包括亚马逊Prime、亚马逊Web服务、Kindle运营和亚马逊的Fulfillment等业务。柯林是一名技术专家,具有很强的综合管理能力,他在北美洲、欧洲和亚洲管理着广泛的业务,其中包括软件开发、供应链、物流、云计算、产品营销和广告销售。他目前担任多家公司的顾问,帮助他们成功地扩大了业务规模。他曾获得康奈尔大学授予的理学学士学位和运筹学工程硕士学位。他和妻子、两个孩子现住在西雅图。

[美] 比尔·卡尔(Bill Carr)

现在是二手交易平台Offer Up的首席运营官。之前,他在亚马逊领导该公司的数字音乐和视频业务,包括亚马逊音乐商店、Prime音乐商店、亚马逊视频商店、Prime视频商店和亚马逊工作室。比尔在亚马逊建立并负责监督管理由一千多名员工组成的团队,工作范围包括工程、产品、营销、业务开发、内容采集、设计,以及亚马逊工作室的电视和电影开发团队。在他的领导下,亚马逊的数字媒体业务发展成为收入超过10亿美元的全球业务,同时该公司与苹果、网飞和Hulu相匹敌。2014年,比尔离开亚马逊,加入Maveron有限责任公司,成为该公司常驻企业家。比尔曾获得科尔比学院授予的经济学学士学位和英语文学学士学位,以及埃默里大学授予的工商管理硕士学位。他有两个孩子,目前和家人住在西雅图。


@ 祭天金人 书是最新的,但是例子太老了。作者离开亚麻有些年头了。 @ 谷粒粒 亚马逊高层所写,非常干货,值得反复阅读 @ 阿甲 我一个亚马逊打工仔,用亚马逊的Kindle,阅读讲亚马逊是如何打造Kindle的一本书。参加了公司的读书俱乐部,18天打卡完成阅读。对日常工作所涉及到的一些工作方法的前世今生,使用方法,以及使用案例有了深入的了解。亚马逊之所以成功的秘诀都在这本书里了。 @ 34弄6号 很有实感的amazon复盘,作者写的完全不悬浮,有战略也有细节。 @ MK 很实用的一本书。提供了丰富的可操作建议。英文版简明精确,不推荐此书中文译本。 @ QI 学习亚马逊 @ 格林制剂 有一种随着亚马逊成长的感觉,是不是被洗脑了?哈哈 @ 得得得君 对高速成长的组织非常relevant: single-threaded leadership & working backwards 是任何组织都能参考的原则,Kindle和Prime等重大创新过程中的演变轨迹则让如何应用于业务现实更生动。 @ 谷粒粒 这本书适合做信息查找类,针对特定问题看看先遇到的人是怎么做的。具体细节不表,其它人的笔记已经覆盖了。我好奇的是:为何亚麻会成为血汗工厂,雇员的口碑并不甚好。书中所写不起效果了,还是说有遇到新的挑战了?


  • 杰夫都坚持一个简单的原则:“必须做到完美。”他提醒团队:一次糟糕的客户体验会抵消数百次完美的客户体验杰夫还经常告诫他的小团队:亚马逊要永远少承诺、多交付,以确保超过客户的期望
    —— 引自章节:01构件:领导力准则与机制
  • In a talk at the 2018 Air, Space and Cyber Conference, Jeff described Amazon this way: “Our culture is four things: customer obsession instead of competitor obsession; willingness to think long term, with a longer investment horizon than most of our peers; eagerness to invent, which of course goes hand in hand with failure; and then, finally, taking professional pride in operational excellence.” (xi)
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