Trading in the Zone

书名:Trading in the ZoneMastertheMarketwithConfidence,DisciplineandaWinningAttitude
豆瓣评分: 8.1


Maximizing the trader’s state of mind is the key to successful results. Conflicts, contradictions and paradoxes in thinking can spell disaster for even a highly motivated, astute and well grounded trader. Mark Douglas, a trader, personal trading coach, and industry consultant since 1982, sends the message that "thinking strategy" will profoundly influence a trader’s success rate. Douglas addresses five very specific issues to give traders the insight and understanding about themselves that will make them consistent winners in the market. Trading In The Zone offers specific solutions to the “people factor” of commodity price movement. It uncovers the true culprit for lack of consistency when it comes to stock picking: lack of focus and self-confidence. Through simple exercises, traders will learn how to think in terms of probabilities, and adopt the specific beliefs necessary to developing a winner’s mindset. Along the way, they’ll gain valuable insights into their own entrenched misconceptions about the market. Backed by compelling examples, Trading In The Zone adds a new dimension to getting an edge on the market. Through a better understanding of themselves, as well as of Wall Street’s realities, traders will come to leverage the power of their psyche for unprecedented profitability.


Mark Douglas is the author of NYIF's The Disciplined Trader. He is president of Trading Behavior Dynamics, which develops seminars on trading psychology for brokerage houses, clearing firms, and banks, among a wide range of professional organizations. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Thom Hartle wrote the foreward for Trading in the Zone. He is vice president of Wizard on Wall Street, Inc., publishers of professional level study courses for traders, and editor of, an educational website for traders and investors interested in technical analysis. For nine years, he was the editor of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities.


@ @鱼 似懂非懂啊…… @ Xingcolas 行文啰嗦 @ John Wayne 刘真如的汉译版本较好 @ 行走的法桐 行文罗嗦。有别于一般股市心理书籍。 @ lolita83 要不是看在豆瓣 good reads 双重高分的份上 几乎想弃书了 第一次看到能把股票交易的书写成成功心理学也是服了 前六章都是浪费时间 好在第七章讲的如何用概率思维思考以及最后一章给出的交易计划还算有点意思 不然我几乎要认为作者是个骗子了 @ Xingcolas 行文啰嗦 @ Weltauge 最主要的思想是真正承认行情的随机性,从而对自己的交易决策降低负面联想。 @ 越越 最好还是躺平。躺不平的话,那作者这种方法也蛮好的,但怀疑只适用于牛市,毕竟小散不想尝试做空 @ Dorothy 不错 😂后面有点啰嗦 句句真实 心理的波动是能量 怎么训练它作用的好 大有文章 @ phoenix137 你相信什么,是否真的相信。有点知行合一的意思。人的外在和内外的交互,把很多心理视作一种能量非常有启发。


  • 要学习:(1)你不必知道下一步会如何也能赚钱;(2)任何事都会发生;(3)任何时刻都是独特的,这意味着每个优势(edge),每个结果(outcome)都是独特的体验。基本面分析:用纯粹的基本面分析做交易决定,天生的困难就是无法长期持续一致地赚钱。这个模型的问题是它从来不把其它交易者当变数。是大众通过推动价格来表达他们的信念和期望——不是模型推动的。另外,不管在什么时候,情绪因素快速地推动交易行为,而基本面的模型根本没考虑情绪因素。技术分析是一种方法,把集体行为模式组成可以确认的模式,这样它就能当一件事很有可能发生时给出明显的确认。也就是说,根据以前市场发生的模式,技术分析让你进入市场的思想,以期待可能发生的事。成功的交易者:区别持续一致赢家和其他人的决定特征是:赢家有一种思想——独特的态度——让他们保持有纪律、专注、还有首要的是在不利状态下的自信。最优秀的交易者不但接受风险,他们还学习承受和拥抱风险。最优秀的交易者交易时没有一丝一毫的犹豫或冲突,很自由地承认也许这笔交易不行。即使有亏损,他们在退出交易时不会有一点点不舒服。如果你不能做到不带情绪(特别是害怕)地交易,那么你就没有学会接受交易天生的风险。要想有效地交易,我们需要原则和限制以指导我们的行为。问题:为什么我们容易受没有结构的,随机的交易影响——因为我们不想负责任。对随机的回报上瘾消除恐惧只是走了一半的路。另外一半路就是形成克制。优秀的交易者已经明白用内部纪律或思想机械系统对付因一连串赢利引起的过度兴奋或过度自信等消极影响。对于交易者来说,如果你不知道如何监视和控制自己,赢利是超级危险的。承担责任意味着确信所有的结果都是自己造成的,你的结果取决于你对市场的认知,你要接受你做的决定和行动结果。如果不完全地承担责任,会导致两个主要心理障碍而不能成功。第一,你和市场建立了…
    —— 引自第238页
  • By the same token, how can a losing trade or even a series of losers have the typical negative effect, if you really believe that trading is a probability or numbers game? If your edge puts the odds in your favor, then every loss puts you that much closer to a win. When you really believe this, your response to a losing trade will no longer take on a negative emotional quality.
    —— 引自第132页
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