The Story of Mankind

书名:The Story of Mankind
豆瓣评分: 8.0


First published in 1921, The Story of Mankind has charmed generations of readers of all ages with its warmth, simplicity, and wisdom. Beginning with the origins of human life and sweeping forward to illuminate all of history, Hendrik van Loon's incomparable prose enlivens the characters and events of every age. His unique ability to convey history as a fascinating tale of adventure has endeared the book to countless readers and has accorded it a unique place in publishing history. This new version, which retains van Loon's original illustrations, has been brought up to date by John Merriman, professor of history at Yale University. It incorporates the most important developments of the last two decades-including space exploration, the emergence of the developing countries, the Cold War, the Internet, and the astounding advances we have witnessed in medicine and science – and looks forward into the prospect of the twenty-first century.



@ cedarwood 已经忘了前面读的苏美尔文明是怎么一回事了。。。 @ 小黄兔 每一章的篇幅是一兩頁,語言簡單風趣,簡筆畫插圖和地圖很可愛,沒有读历史常用的沉重厌烦感。的確是淺顯,但作為啓蒙讀物,針對青少年讀者,我覺得這已經非常優秀,足夠引起讀者的興趣。如果想深入瞭解,可以進一步深入細化閱讀其他歷史書嘛。 @ 花藏花 听了一部分,世界史实在是不能引起我的兴趣啊。 @ Axé 至今没正经读过房龙这种事儿我敢张扬吗?文笔很隽永啊,现代英文都被他写的挺有美感的。内容么倒只是一些这边那边听过的故事现在串起来。 @ R2D2 把全世界的历史都写一遍也真是不容易,有些章节略显凌乱。大航海时代是我最不感兴趣的部分,看得很粗疏,还是最喜欢看中世纪以及文艺复兴时期那段历史。以后再仔细读一下中译本吧。 @ Mafada0708 世界史入门书籍,言简意赅的构建出人类3000年的历史。最大的收获是那些重要历史人物和地点的英文名称,为看英文原版纪录片做准备。 @ Crumbs 我更喜欢A Little History of the World的写法,不过这本书跟小历史可以相互补充,比如详细讲了一点希腊悲剧的起源,古希腊的城市生活等等。是非常好的历史入门读物。(后面作者表现出对美国的绝对信任和赞美,真令人感慨,深刻的历史学家不应如此表露立场吧?) @ Theme 从12开始,约2个月读完;手机上显示4000多页,虽然一页没几个单词,但读完还是满有成就感的


  • Carthage was a plutocracy and the real power of the state lay in the hands of a dozen big ship-owners and mine-owners and merchants who met in the back room of an office and regarded their common Fatherland as a business enterprise which ought to yield them a decent profit.
    —— 引自第88页
  • Of course, such a "plutocracy" was forever at the mercy of the crowd. As long as there was plenty of work and wages were high, the majority of the citizens were quite contented, allowed their "betters" to rule them and asked no embarrassing questions. But when no ships left the harbor, when no ore was brought to the smelting-ovens, when dockworkers and stevedores were thrown out of employment, then there were grumblings and there was a demand that the popular assembly be called together as in the olden days when Carthage had been a self-governing republic.
    —— 引自第88页
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