100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foragi...
100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foragi...
Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ progr...
如果让程序员们列出他们最喜欢的书籍,Jon Bentley的《编程珠玑》通常可以位于经典之列,如同珍珠来自于曾经折磨牡蛎的沙粒,程序设计的珍珠也来自曾以折磨程序员的实际问题。Bentley的珍珠建立在坚实的工程学基础上在洞察力和创造力的王国中为那些恼人的问题提供了独特而技巧的解决方案,通过一些精心设计的有趣而且颇具指导意义的程序,本书对众多实用程序设计技巧及基本设计原则作了清晰而机智的...
从《代码整洁之道(英文版)》中可以学到: 好代码和糟糕的代码之间的区别; 如何编写好代码。如何将糟糕的代码转化为好代码; 如何创建好名称、好函数、好对象和好类; 如何格式化代码以实现其可读性的最大化; 如何在不妨碍代码逻辑的前提下充分实现错误处理; 如何进行单元测试和测试驱动开发。 Robert C.Martin(Bob大叔)自1970进入软件...
In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned - from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents wil...
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences. " --from Hackers & ...
Factory Girls meets The Vagina Monologues in this fascinating narrative on China's single women—and why they could be the source of its economic future. Forty years ago, China enacted th...
Full of unforgettable figures and an unrelenting spirit of adventure, Strange Stones is a far-ranging, thought-provoking collection of Peter Hessler’s best reportage—a dazzling display of the po...
书名:UnshakeableYourFinancialFreedomPlaybook 作者:TonyRobbins 译者: ISBN:9781501164583 出版社:Simon&Schuster 出版时间:2017-2-28 格 […]