The Little Prover
[FROM]: The Little Prover introduces inductive proofs as a way to determine facts about computer programs. It is written in an approachable, engaging style of question-and-answ...
[FROM]: The Little Prover introduces inductive proofs as a way to determine facts about computer programs. It is written in an approachable, engaging style of question-and-answ...
This delightful book leads you through the basic elements of programming in Scheme (a Lisp dialect) via a series of dialogues with well-chosen questions and exercises. Besides teaching Scheme, T...
《The Little Schemer:递归与函数式的奥妙》是一本久负盛名的经典之作,两位作者Daniel P. Friedman、Matthias Felleisen在程序语言界名声显赫。《The Little Schemer:递归与函数式的奥妙》介绍了Scheme的基本结构及其应用、Scheme的五法十诫、Continuation-Passing-Style、Partial Fun...