Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, Color Edition
When you're under pressure to produce a well designed, easy-to-navigate mobile app, there's no time to reinvent the wheel. This concise book provides a handy reference to 70 mobile app...
When you're under pressure to produce a well designed, easy-to-navigate mobile app, there's no time to reinvent the wheel. This concise book provides a handy reference to 70 mobile app...
The computation of patterns in strings is a fundamental requirement in many areas of science and information processing. The operation of a text editor, the lexical analysis of a computer progra...
As a software engineer, you're great with computer languages, compilers, debuggers, and algorithms. And in a perfect world, those who produce the best code are the most successful. But in o...
寫應用程式時需要依照需求預先規劃、設計,而設計模式累積了前人的經歷,經由四人幫彙整出一系列的設計模式,以利後人可以套用。本書集合四人幫的23個模式(十幾年前的事)外加這十幾年來新增的一些模式,作者群以詼諧、幽默、圖文並茂、打破傳統著書的方式,由淺入深地詳解了設計模式的精神及重點。全書全部以當紅的 Java 程式語言為範例。 本書特點: * 全世界第二...