Algorithms in a Nutshell
Creating robust software requires the use of efficient algorithms. Algorithms in a Nutshell describes a large number of existing algorithms for solving a variety of problems, and helps you selec...
Creating robust software requires the use of efficient algorithms. Algorithms in a Nutshell describes a large number of existing algorithms for solving a variety of problems, and helps you selec...
《算法技术手册》内容简介:开发健壮的软件需要高效的算法,然后程序员们往往直至问题发生之时,才会去求助于算法。《算法技术手册》讲解了许多现有的算法,可用于解决各种问题。通过阅读它,可以使您学会如何选择和实现正确的算法,来达成自己的目标。另外,书中的数学深浅适中,足够使您可以了解并分析算法的性能。 较之理论而言,《算法技术手册》更专注于应用。《算法技术手册》提供了高效的代码解决方案,...