Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future
Every day, we use our computers to perform remarkable feats. A simple web search picks out a handful of relevant needles from the world's biggest haystack: the billions of pages on the Worl...
Every day, we use our computers to perform remarkable feats. A simple web search picks out a handful of relevant needles from the world's biggest haystack: the billions of pages on the Worl...
From the inventor of the PalmPilot comes a new and compelling theory of intelligence, brain function, and the future of intelligent machines Jeff Hawkins, the man who created the PalmPil...
Can computers change what you think and do? Can they motivate you to stop smoking, persuade you to buy insurance, or convince you to join the Army? "Yes, they can," says Dr. B....
This volume is a theoretical and practical approach to the design of computer technology.
This book's introduction features a humorous story of a man with a line of people behind him, who explains to his boss, "I can't find an efficient algorithm, but neither can all t...
书名:Computers as Theatre 作者:BrendaLaurel 译者: ISBN:9780201510485 出版社:AddisonWesley 出版时间:1991-5-1 格式:epub/mobi/azw3/pdf 页数: […]