Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art
Create code art, visualizations, and interactive applications with this powerful yet simple computer language and programming environment Learn how to code 2D and 3D animation, pixel-level im...
Create code art, visualizations, and interactive applications with this powerful yet simple computer language and programming environment Learn how to code 2D and 3D animation, pixel-level im...
本书介绍组合数学中的基础理论和实际应用,讲述的内容非常广泛,讨论的问题涵盖组合数学所涉及的绝大部分领域。本书不仅包含了通常组合数学教科书中的经典内容,而且收集了若干新的内容,如Lovász筛法、范德瓦尔登积和式猜想、结合区组设计、码和设计等。 本书阐述深入浅出,简明易懂,适合作为高等院校高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合作为数学和其他学科的研究人员的参考书。 ...
1. 258段代码+284幅图表,比课本更易懂! 本书沿袭《明解C语言》的风格,图文并茂,讲解清晰易懂。 2. 从基础知识到面向对象编程完全掌握! 从Java的基础知识讲起,循序渐进,直到面向对象编程的内容。书中结合猜数字游戏、猜拳游戏、心算训练等有趣的游戏程序进行讲解,让学习过程完全不枯燥。 3. 本书荣获日本工学教育协会著作奖。原版系列累计畅销超100万册。...
在视觉化界面中学习电脑编程的基本原理! 本书介绍了编程的基本原理,涵盖了创建最前沿的图形应用程序(例如互动艺术、实时视频处理和数据可视化)所需要的基础知识。作为一本实验风格的手册,本书精心挑选了部分高级技术进行详尽解释,可以让图形和网页设计师、艺术家及平面设计师快速熟悉Processing编程环境。 从算法设计到数据可视化,从计算机视觉到3D图形,在有趣的互动视觉媒体和创意...
Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time. In the first half of the bo...
In this unique work, leading computer scientists discuss how they found unusual, carefully designed solutions to difficult problems. This book lets the reader look over the shoulder of major cod...
This book provides you with the chance to study how 26 experienced programmers think when they are building something new. The programs you will read about in this book were all written from scr...
This book is a unique and essential reference that focuses upon the reading and comprehension of existing software code. While code reading is an important task faced by the vast majority of stu...
“Many teams have a master developer who makes a rapid stream of good decisions all day long. Their code is easy to understand, quick to modify, and feels safe and comfortable to work with. If yo...