要想提升判断力、预测力、领导力,从哪里下手? 主导人类行为的动机、意图、计划、远见、人格等从何而来? 就像企业、军队、管弦乐队一样,大脑同样有自己的领导者,这个角色属于额叶。额叶在整个大脑内执行极其高级、复杂的功能,在所有人类行为的成功与失败中扮演着关键角色。如果大脑的其他部位受损,就可能造成语言、记忆、感知或运动能力的丧失。而一旦额叶受损,患者所丧失的便不只是某种特质,而...
要想提升判断力、预测力、领导力,从哪里下手? 主导人类行为的动机、意图、计划、远见、人格等从何而来? 就像企业、军队、管弦乐队一样,大脑同样有自己的领导者,这个角色属于额叶。额叶在整个大脑内执行极其高级、复杂的功能,在所有人类行为的成功与失败中扮演着关键角色。如果大脑的其他部位受损,就可能造成语言、记忆、感知或运动能力的丧失。而一旦额叶受损,患者所丧失的便不只是某种特质,而...
From the inventor of the PalmPilot comes a new and compelling theory of intelligence, brain function, and the future of intelligent machines Jeff Hawkins, the man who created the PalmPil...
Keep your brain young, healthy, and sharp with this science-driven guide to protecting your mind from decline by neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta. Throughout our ...
With poignant insight and humour, "When the Air Hits Your Brain" chronicles a man's evolution from naive and ambitious young houseman to world-class neurosurgeon. In electrifying ...