Strangers in Their Own Land

书名:Strangers in Their Own LandAngerandMourningontheAmericanRight
豆瓣评分: 8.5


Arlie Hochschild is best known for her contributions to the domestic division of labor (The Second Shift), emotional labor (The Managed Heart), the rationalization of the home (Time Bind), the commodification of private life (The Commercialization of Intimate Life, The Outsourced Self). In her latest book, Strangers in Their Own Land, Hochschild takes her notion of “feeling rules” to Louisiana, exploring the emotional foundations of right wing politics (The Tea Party and support for Donald Trump) by studying divergent responses to one of the most pressing issues facing the region – environmental pollution. On the basis of her fieldwork, conducted between 2011 and 2016, Hochschild advances the “deep story” of supporters of the American right: “…the shifting moral qualifications for the American Dream had turned them into strangers in their own land, afraid, resentful, displaced, and dismissed by the very people who were, they felt, cutting in line.”


Arlie Russell Hochschild is one of the most influential sociologists of her generation. She is the author of nine books, including The Second Shift, The Time Bind, The Managed Heart, and The Outsourced Self. Three of her books have been named as New York Times Notable Books of the Year and her work appears in sixteen languages. The winner of the Ulysses Medal as well as Guggenheim and Mellon grants, she lives in Berkeley, California.


@ 糯米团子是好物 为啥叫empathy wall, 作者本人看deep south就是在“othering”, wall本身可能折射出作者脑子里面存有的割裂。 我不晓得为啥选环保做keyhole question,可能调研当地环境问题?不是讨厌环保是为了工作,这个不是人人都懂的吗,作者搞了半天才说是为了工作和美国梦。这本书好处就是展现给茶党成员的多样性吧,还有背后deep story。明明是被遗忘放弃的一部分,别被污名化比如红脖子,白垃圾。真的讽刺,和民粹一样,明明上层拿走了他们利益,结果还是给他们当枪使。鼓吹free market也是没办法,因为不管上层,对下层啥啥都要管的政府实在是讨厌。这本书还是解释了一些puzzle的。还是那句话身份政治,红蓝对立都是在掩盖99%和1%的对立 @ lisahm 唉,我悲催的大路易斯安那,上个封面多不容易,净是这。这书属于越来越多的然并卵系列:There is a wall, check. There is a deep story, check. WE on this side of the wall can have a personal relationship with THEM on the other side, check.The wall is still there.


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