She Said

书名:She SaidBreakingtheSexualHarassmentStoryThatHelpedIgniteaMovement
豆瓣评分: 9.3


From the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters who broke the news of Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment and abuse for the New York Times, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, the thrilling untold story of their investigation and its consequences for the #MeToo movement For many years, reporters had tried to get to the truth about Harvey Weinstein's treatment of women. Rumors of wrongdoing had long circulated. But in 2017, when Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey began their investigation into the prominent Hollywood producer for the New York Times, his name was still synonymous with power. During months of confidential interviews with top actresses, former Weinstein employees, and other sources, many disturbing and long-buried allegations were unearthed, and a web of onerous secret payouts and nondisclosure agreements was revealed. These shadowy settlements had long been used to hide sexual harassment and abuse, but with a breakthrough reporting technique Kantor and Twohey helped to expose it. But Weinstein had evaded scrutiny in the past, and he was not going down without a fight; he employed a team of high-profile lawyers, private investigators, and other allies to thwart the investigation. When Kantor and Twohey were finally able to convince some sources to go on the record, a dramatic final showdown between Weinstein and the New York Times was set in motion. Nothing could have prepared Kantor and Twohey for what followed the publication of their initial Weinstein story on October 5, 2017. Within days, a veritable Pandora's box of sexual harassment and abuse was opened. Women all over the world came forward with their own traumatic stories. Over the next twelve months, hundreds of men from every walk of life and industry were outed following allegations of wrongdoing. But did too much change–or not enough? Those questions hung in the air months later as Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, and Christine Blasey Ford came forward to testify that he had assaulted her decades earlier. Kantor and Twohey, who had unique access to Ford and her team, bring to light the odyssey that led her to come forward, the overwhelming forces that came to bear on her, and what happened after she shared her allegation with the world. In the tradition of great investigative journalism, She Said tells a thrilling story about the power of truth, with shocking new information from hidden sources. Kantor and Twohey describe not only the consequences of their reporting for the #MeToo movement, but the inspiring and affecting journeys of the women who spoke up–for the sake of other women, for future generations, and for themselves.


Jodi Kantor has covered the world of Barack and Michelle Obama since the beginning of 2007, also writing about Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Richard Holbrooke, Eric Holder and many others along the way. She is on temporary hiatus from the newspaper to work on a book about the Obamas, to be published by Little, Brown in 2011.

Ms. Kantor graduated from Columbia and attended Harvard Law School. But soon after she arrived, she caught the journalism bug, took time off to work at, and never looked back. She joined The New York Times in 2003 as Arts & Leisure editor, revamping the section and helping lead a makeover of the culture report.

The recipient of a Columbia Young Alumni Achievement Award, Ms. Kantor has also been named by Crain's New York Business magazine as one of "40 Under 40." She appears regularly on television, including The Today Show and Charlie Rose.

Though she is a Washington correspondent, she lives in Brooklyn with her husband and daughter. You can follow her at

Megan Twohey is an investigative reporter with The New York Times. Twohey has also written investigative reports for Reuters, the Chicago Tribune and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


@ fugue Dr. Ford had me in tears.「She assumed Kavanaugh would be confirmed, as she always had. Her victory had been telling her story to the world with dignity, she said. Maybe that would make it easier for the next generation of victims to come forward.」 @ 歪尤西西诶 好几次气得发抖。专为性侵案受害者打官司的明星女权律师Lisa Bloom,摇身一变以自己深谙受害者心理为由,帮Weinstein污蔑受害者。许多女性因为接受了保密settlement协议,无法公开自己的遭遇来警示他人,本该保护受害者的司法系统反而纵容了性侵继续大规模发生。最令人揪心的是Christine Blasey Ford,在2018年最高法院提名新法官时,勇敢的站出来向公众表明候选人Kavanaugh曾强奸她未果。人们觉得她在说谎,因为她没有人证物证且当年并没有向任何人提起。甚至她爸都不相信她。Kavanaugh最终还是得到了最高法院的终生任职。这一切是徒劳吗。我觉得不。如果现在的女孩子在受到伤害时能明白这并不是自己的错且能向周围的人发声求助,这已经是一种进步。我们还有很长的路要走。 @ zhoyoyo 好像这么说不对,但前半本太刺激了,真像一部爆米花的大片,而且可能是因为作者们亲历,所以能写得生动迷人,与权力的缠斗,专业人士与专业人士的斗智斗勇,去挖掘出那些被隐藏在岁月中的秘密和伤痛,而到了下半本作为旁观者,两位作者又恢复了作为专业记者的冷静与思考(不是说前半本不冷静不专业,而是因为自己牵扯其中,当自己面对利维坦时需要更多的热血与勇气去砍下恶魔的头颅),最后当事人们的聚会,从麦当劳员工到奥斯卡影后,是当代女性群像的特写,她们团结在一起在男权社会里振臂而呼勇敢发声。Ashley Judd真是女神一样的人物,而格温妮斯-帕特洛,虽然卖假冒灵修产品令人尴尬到脚趾抓地板,但她在推翻维恩斯坦的报道里所起的作用(维恩斯坦可能是她演绎生涯里最重要的人),主动站出来成为最坚实的发声者之一,让人佩服。 @ 陆大鹏Hans 事件非常重要,意义非常重要,文笔一般,总的来讲是很好的新闻调查写作。韦恩斯坦有性功能障碍,他不断地追逐女人,恐怕更多是心理上变态的征服欲。 @ Itsuki “I have to know the hill that I’m willing to die, the equality of sexes is that hill for me.” @ 柠檬味的柠檬树 向所有伟大的敢于说真话的不惧威胁和不甘妥协的人们致敬。Thank you for paving the way for us! “To our daughters, and to yours: May you know respect and dignity always, in the workplace and beyond.” @ Iris 恶行是很多人的沉默和不作为造成的,改变同样是无数人的觉醒和付出迎来的。 @ 路瑶 《傲骨贤妻》第一季第二集的案件与本书所述重点相似,面对强权和金钱,弱势女性的一纸诉讼很容易就被引导为搏出名和earn fast money,去年京东的案子亦然。利用公众的同情和正义达到自己的目的,结果反转后受害最大的是同样困境中求助的弱势群体。 总结陈词,论保留证据的重要性。 @ Avocad 非常敬佩记者们的专业精神和追求还原事实的坚韧坚持。能有First Amendment保护媒体发布真相真的太好了。里面对各方律师代理利益双方往来信件的披露,对所有对话和场景的还原让人印象深刻,细节还原诸如让站出来的受害者随身带好小本本记下可能的威胁电话内容无限加分,现实永远比故事精彩。


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