Poor Economics

书名:Poor EconomicsARadicalRethinkingoftheWaytoFightGlobalPoverty
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Winner of the 2011 Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Best Business Book of the Year Award Billions of government dollars, and thousands of charitable organizations and NGOs, are dedicated to helping the world's poor. But much of their work is based on assumptions that are untested generalizations at best, harmful misperceptions at worst. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo have pioneered the use of randomized control trials in development economics. Work based on these principles, supervised by the Poverty Action Lab, is being carried out in dozens of countries. Drawing on this and their 15 years of research from Chile to India, Kenya to Indonesia, they have identified wholly new aspects of the behavior of poor people, their needs, and the way that aid or financial investment can affect their lives. Their work defies certain presumptions: that microfinance is a cure-all, that schooling equals learning, that poverty at the level of 99 cents a day is just a more extreme version of the experience any of us have when our income falls uncomfortably low. This important book illuminates how the poor live, and offers all of us an opportunity to think of a world beyond poverty. Learn more at www.pooreconomics.com


Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee is the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at MIT. He is the recipient of many honors and awards, including most recently the inaugural Infosys Prize in 2009, and has been an honorary advisor to many organizations including the World Bank and the Government of India.

Esther Duflo is the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT. She is a recipient of the MacArthur “genius” award (2009) and the John Bates Clark medal awarded annually to the best American economist under forty (2012). In 2003, Banerjee and Duflo cofounded the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), which they continue to direct.


@ chloe, Time inconsistency @ 秋江暝泊 俩经济学家很努力地跑到农村去做实验跟人聊天,理解穷人在风险,储蓄,政治,家庭,教育,医疗,保险种种mindset和practice的书。经济学家过去那么多项目啊政策啊怎么就成了笑话呢?原来穷人过的真不容易啊! @ 傻狍子 非常清晰,非常有趣~主要研究方法是RCT。 @ 才没有 啊……看完这本才发现,虽然平时一直叫穷穷穷,但是已经算是拥有很多的privileges了……当然还有,拖延症,看不到希望就干脆不努力,最要追求当下满足,需要客观上搭好阶梯让他们作出最不需要思考的决定这种,真的说得很实际啊 @ 张昶 其实我觉得经济学这种东西,大多数时候理论只是理论。 @ cheryl Very logical @ Plato's beard “i teach you the difference”基於理念和所謂一般原則的思考往往無助於解決具體問題,因為這樣思考的人甚至不知道問題是什麼。 @ 迷阳 喜欢对于穷人延迟满足的探究,以及关于politics和policy之间的探讨。个体层面,掌握信息的能力、受教育的程度是贫困的主要决定因素。国家和社会层面,则是一个更公正的制度。 @ pseudo_cool 最大的遗憾是作者没有仔细研究中国扶贫。不过依旧有很多有意义的理论。1. 穷人与普通人一样,有惰性、爱享受,所以tackle贫困问题是要充分考虑人性。2. 授人以渔:教育、稳定工作、贷款、保险等。送鱼是没有用的,直接给钱会被花在别的地方,给东西人家未必用。3. 许多政策都是过于理想主义。做什么事情需要站在穷人角度理解他们的想法。比如,穷人为啥不把钱花在可能可以提高生产率的东西上。 @ 踏水而行 捏着鼻子听完了。算了,放弃吧,又懒又蠢,无药可救

Foreword vii
1 Think Again, Again 1
Part I Private Lives
2 A Billion Hungry People? 19
3 Low-Hanging Fruit for Better (Global) Health? 41
4 Top of the Class 71
5 PakSudarno's Big Family 103
Part II Institutions
6 Barefoot Hedge-Fund Managers 133
7 The Men from Kabul and the Eunuchs of India: The (Not So) Simple Economics of Lending to the Poor 157
8 Saving Brick by Brick 183
9 Reluctant Entrepreneurs 205
10 Policies, Politics 235
In Place of a Sweeping Conclusion 267
Acknowledgments 275
Notes 277
Index 295
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