书名:Numerical Recipes 3rd EditionTheArtofScientificComputing
豆瓣评分: 9.5
Do you want easy access to the latest methods in scientific computing? This greatly expanded third edition of Numerical Recipes has it, with wider coverage than ever before, many new, expanded and updated sections, and two completely new chapters. The executable C++ code, now printed in colour for easy reading, adopts an object-oriented style particularly suited to scientific applications. Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. The whole book is presented in the informal, easy-to-read style that made earlier editions so popular. Highlights of the new material include: a new chapter on classification and inference, Gaussian mixture models, HMMs, hierarchical clustering, and SVMs; a new chapter on computational geometry, covering KD trees, quad- and octrees, Delaunay triangulation, and algorithms for lines, polygons, triangles, and spheres; interior point methods for linear programming; MCMC; an expanded treatment of ODEs with completely new routines; and many new statistical distributions. For support, or to subscribe to an online version, please visit www.nr.com. • Most comprehensive book available on scientific computing, now updated • New routines for classification and inference HMMs and SVMs, computational geometry, ODEs, interior point methods for linear programming, and MCMC • Over 600,000 Numerical Recipes products in print Contents 1. Preliminaries; 2. Solution of linear algebraic equations; 3. Interpolation and extrapolation; 4. Integration of functions; 5. Evaluation of functions; 6. Special functions; 7. Random numbers; 8. Sorting and selection; 9. Root finding and nonlinear sets of equations; 10. Minimization or maximization of functions; 11. Eigensystems; 12. Fast Fourier transform; 13. Fourier and spectral applications; 14. Statistical description of data; 15. Modeling of data; 16. Classification and inference; 17. Integration of ordinary differential equations; 18. Two point boundary value problems; 19. Integral equations and inverse theory; 20. Partial differential equations; 21. Computational geometry; 22. Less-numerical algorithms; References.
William H. Press, University of Texas, Austin
William H. Press holds the Raymer Chair in Computer Sciences and Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin.
Saul A. Teukolsky, Cornell University, New York
Saul A. Teukolsky is H. A. Bethe Professor in Physics in the Radiophysics and Space Research Department of Cornell University.
William T. Vetterling, ZINK Imaging, LLC
William Vetterling is a Research Fellow and Director of the Image Science Laboratory at ZINK Imaging, LLC in Waltham, MA. His career includes eight years on the physics faculty at Harvard and 20 years of numerical modeling and laboratory research on digital imaging at Polaroid Corporation.
Brian P. Flannery, Exxon Mobil Corporation
Brian P. Flannery is Science, Strategy and Programs Manager at Exxon Mobil Corporation.
@ 包菜丝全自动 工具书码一个。。 @ weare1217 不专业。 @ Aij 前三位作者都是搞理论物理、天体物理的大佬,遇到不懂的数值计算总要来这本书找找看 @ 谦信 当需要提高代码速度和效率的时候 我会想到这本书 对于数值计算的完美的简介 @ Yablon 基础,不错。 @ Aij 前三位作者都是搞理论物理、天体物理的大佬,遇到不懂的数值计算总要来这本书找找看 @ 风乍起 除非要自己搞底层的算法研究,对大部分领域实际干活来说,做计算的体力活,matlab等会好用太多了。 @ 包菜丝全自动 工具书码一个。。 @ lyb 实用且深入! @ 烙烽 文笔太差
1. Preliminaries
2. Solution of linear algebraic equations
3. Interpolation and extrapolation
4. Integration of functions
5. Evaluation of functions
6. Special functions
7. Random numbers
8. Sorting and selection
9. Root finding and nonlinear sets of equations
10. Minimization or maximization of functions
11. Eigensystems
12. Fast Fourier transform
13. Fourier and spectral applications
14. Statistical description of data
15. Modeling of data
16. Classification and inference
17. Integration of ordinary differential equations
18. Two point boundary value problems
19. Integral equations and inverse theory
20. Partial differential equations
21. Computational geometry
22. Less-numerical algorithms
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