
豆瓣评分: 8.6


From the beet fields of North Dakota to the wilderness campgrounds of California to an Amazon warehouse in Texas, people who once might have kicked back to enjoy their sunset years are hard at work. Underwater on mortgages or finding that Social Security comes up short, they're hitting the road in astonishing numbers, forming a new community of nomads: RV and van-dwelling migrant laborers, or "workampers." Building on her groundbreaking Harper's cover story, "The End of Retirement," which brought attention to these formerly settled members of the middle class, Jessica Bruder follows one such RVer, Linda, between physically taxing seasonal jobs and reunions of her new van-dweller family, or "vanily." Bruder tells a compelling, eye-opening tale of both the economy's dark underbelly and the extraordinary resilience, creativity, and hope of these hardworking, quintessential Americans?many of them single women?who have traded rootedness for the dream of a better life.


Jessica Bruder is a journalist who writes about subcultures and resilience.

For her most recent book, "Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century" (W.W. Norton & Co.), she spent months living in a camper van, documenting itinerant Americans who gave up traditional housing and hit the road full time, enabling them to travel from job to job and carve out a place for themselves in our precarious economy. The project spanned three years and more than 15,000 miles of driving—from coast to coast and from Mexico to the Canadian border.

Jessica has been teaching at Columbia Journalism School since 2008. She has written for publications including Harper's Magazine, The Nation, WIRED, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, The International Herald Tribune, The New York Times Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, O: The Oprah Magazine, Inc. Magazine, Reuters and, along with The Oregonian and The New York Observer — where she worked as a staff writer — and Fortune Small Business magazine, where she was a senior editor. Her long-form stories have won a James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism and a Deadline Club Award.


@ 冷观之 看完令人思绪万千的一本纪实小说 通过作者对书里面每一个人物的文字描写 我们都能感觉到他们身上的那股韧劲 虽然经历过很多苦难 但他们仍始终乐观 比如linda may 比如swankie 比如silvanne 看完我不停在想 他们的遭遇绝非偶然 我们到底能做什么让这个社会停止压榨弱者 他们的出路会不会从某种程度上为人类开辟了一条新的出路 说实话有一点点失望看到作者没有花一定的篇幅阐述自己的态度及观点的 @ dfbn 3.5。电影没看完,上课教授一下子布置一大半,索性把书读完吧。后“公司镇”和经济危机迷失的退休“游牧”老人是新颖的题材。但作者长篇摘引为指责资本主义和“公司美国”的同时,又偶尔迸发略显主观的对个人精神和美国西部的浪漫化,感觉突兀了。 @ 薄荷茶 Will I be able to escape this future of life? @ 一缶堂 电影还可以 原著看着累


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