豆瓣评分: 8.7
Billy Beane, general manager of MLB's Oakland A's and protagonist of Michael Lewis's Moneyball, had a problem: how to win in the Major Leagues with a budget that's smaller than that of nearly every other team. Conventional wisdom long held that big name, highly athletic hitters and young pitchers with rocket arms were the ticket to success. But Beane and his staff, buoyed by massive amounts of carefully interpreted statistical data, believed that wins could be had by more affordable methods such as hitters with high on-base percentage and pitchers who get lots of ground outs. Given this information and a tight budget, Beane defied tradition and his own scouting department to build winning teams of young affordable players and inexpensive castoff veterans. Lewis was in the room with the A's top management as they spent the summer of 2002 adding and subtracting players and he provides outstanding play-by-play. In the June player draft, Beane acquired nearly every prospect he coveted (few of whom were coveted by other teams) and at the July trading deadline he engaged in a tense battle of nerves to acquire a lefty reliever. Besides being one of the most insider accounts ever written about baseball, Moneyball is populated with fascinating characters. We meet Jeremy Brown, an overweight college catcher who most teams project to be a 15th round draft pick (Beane takes him in the first). Sidearm pitcher Chad Bradford is plucked from the White Sox triple-A club to be a key set-up man and catcher Scott Hatteberg is rebuilt as a first baseman. But the most interesting character is Beane himself. A speedy athletic can't-miss prospect who somehow missed, Beane reinvents himself as a front-office guru, relying on players completely unlike, say, Billy Beane. Lewis, one of the top nonfiction writers of his era (Liar's Poker, The New New Thing), offers highly accessible explanations of baseball stats and his roadmap of Beane's economic approach makes Moneyball an appealing reading experience for business people and sports fans alike.
Michael Lewis is the author of the bestsellers Liar's Poker and The New New Thing. He lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife, Tabitha Soren, and their two daughters.
@ 若涵 Michael Lewis在书中加了很多戏剧的成分来吸引人,不然怎么畅销和拍电影呢。但基本上主题思想就是Billy Beane怎么用数据分析的方法,用其他队都看不上的小联赛球员和过气明星来赢得比赛,一副烂牌打出同花顺的效果就是他了。不过Billy在做的其实是一个好的CEO要做到事情——当你手头资源有限,就集中使用在最关键的能力上,什么长相啊身材啊名校学历啊都没有卵用。It's a competitive business, just like the IT industry. 书本身为了戏剧性无效信息有点多,当电子书听正合适。 @ Jule 对棒球完全不了解,只知道九局下半还是小时候听哈狗帮知道的。小白读此书还是多少会印象观感的,但Michael lewis不愧为叙事高手,春秋笔法集大成者,依然让我看得津津有味,对人物的细描尤其是billy beane很棒!客观科学全面的stats越来越重要,就像nba现在大家都会谈论的选秀报告,高阶数据一样,要让更多的人关注重视是需要时间的,希望以后更多的约老师不会沦为次轮秀。好的stats和相应的评估体系可以更好地发现inefficiency,奖励先知先觉者,也能更好的引导运动的发展。不过从另一个角度来说,剔除了所有“subjectivity”之后比赛的观赏性是不是也会大打折扣呢? @ 芭芭拉👀 副标题how to win unfair game 以少胜多以弱胜强 体育届到底是钱说了算,此外还有没有其他路径?如何有效的花钱? Billy Beane 故事太引人入胜了!许多的问题萦绕着,为什么他能用有限的资金买来最值的球员,其他人复制能否成功?球员被低估之后如何完成逆袭,是数据还是品格是外界还是内在发生的变化?为什么拒绝红袜邀约?他最后成功了没有?看到后面,我感到这个人有对抗世界的性格,有独特的思维方式和对棒球的深度认知,同时也有很多的缺点。或许是太了解自己,或者是错过了更好的机会,无论哪一种,Billy都达成了自己,在一个时间轴上找到了位置,已属难得
Chapter 1. The Curse of Talent
Chapter 2. How to Find a Ballplayer
Chapter 3. The Enlightenment
Chapter 4. Field of Ignorance
Chapter 5. The Jeremy Brown Blue Plate Special
Chapter 6. The Science of Winning an Unfair Game
Chapter 7. Giambi's Hole
Chapter 8. Scott Hatteberg, Pickin' Machine
Chapter 9. The Trading Desk
Chapter 10. Anatomy of an Undervalued Pitcher
Chapter 11. The Human Element
Chapter 12. The Speed of the Idea
Epilogue: The Badger
Postscript: Inside Baseball's Religious War
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