A bestselling classic (more than 200,000 copies sold in hardcover and paperback) that delves into the minds of some of the world's most successful traders.
杰克D. 施瓦格(Jack D. Schwager),期货与对冲基金领域公认的专家,拥有传奇经历的资深交易员。广受欢迎的投资交易领域作者。他目前是ADM投资者服务多样化策略基金的联席经理。他同时还是一家知名量化交易公司Marktopper的顾问,主要负责指导大型系统交易项目,运用自身的技术来开拓全球期货投资组合。
@ Naonao 怪杰频出,百战成精。"I would sometimes think that maybe I ought to stop trading because it was very painful to keep losing. In 'Fiddler on the Roof,' there is a scene where the lead looks up and talks to God. I would look up and say, 'Am I really that stupid?' And I seemed to hear a clear answer saying, 'No, you are not stupid. You just have to keep at it." @ Sinan 炒股1分技术,3分风险控制,6分情绪管理。在这本书里你可以看到各类市场,各种产品,长线短线,Long and short,各类交易者都在反复强调的一些共同问题,无非是这1/3/6的比例。我记得Turtle traders的始祖Dennis说过一句话,我可以把turtle交易规则写在一张纸上贴在华尔街公开,但依然没有人能用它盈利。因为没人遵守规矩,相信概率,且在实际行动中稳定操作让概率发挥作用。需要重读,反复读。 @ 流浪剑客 系列访谈的第一本,有些年头了 但还是有参考意义。投资没有捷径,勤奋是必须的,大师风格各异,适合自己的才是最好的