How Asia Works

书名:How Asia WorksSuccessandFailureintheWorld'sMostDynamicRegion
豆瓣评分: 8.6


In the 1980s and 1990s many in the West came to believe in the myth of an East-Asian economic miracle. Japan was going to dominate, then China. Countries were called “tigers” or “mini-dragons,” and were seen as not just development prodigies, but as a unified bloc, culturally and economically similar, and inexorably on the rise. Joe Studwell has spent two decades as a reporter in the region, and The Financial Times said he “should be named chief myth-buster for Asian business.” In How Asia Works, Studwell distills his extensive research into the economies of nine countries—Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and China—into an accessible, readable narrative that debunks Western misconceptions, shows what really happened in Asia and why, and for once makes clear why some countries have boomed while others have languished. Studwell’s in-depth analysis focuses on three main areas: land policy, manufacturing, and finance. Land reform has been essential to the success of Asian economies, giving a kick start to development by utilizing a large workforce and providing capital for growth. With manufacturing, industrial development alone is not sufficient, Studwell argues. Instead, countries need “export discipline,” a government that forces companies to compete on the global scale. And in finance, effective regulation is essential for fostering, and sustaining growth. To explore all of these subjects, Studwell journeys far and wide, drawing on fascinating examples from a Philippine sugar baron’s stifling of reform to the explosive growth at a Korean steel mill. Thoroughly researched and impressive in scope, How Asia Works is essential reading for anyone interested in the development of these dynamic countries, a region that will shape the future of the world.


Joe Studwell is the founding editor of the China Economic Quarterly. A freelance journalist in Asia for over twenty years, he has also written for the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Asian Wall Street Journal and the The Far Eastern Economic Review. He is the author of The China Dream and Asian Godfathers.


@ 艾莫瑞斯 从一个历史的角度对东北亚(日本、韩国,台湾及大陆)及东南亚国家发展的对比分析,作者认为平均地权、幼儿工业保护及出口导向提升制造能力,及金融政策的对于长期工业发展的战略性支持是东北亚国家经济发展的最重要因素。完全的市场竞争及金融开放对于发展中国家经济造成负面影响,因为资本是逐利,仅关注于资本的最高回报,而不会长期支持国家工业的战略发展,减少国家技术阶梯上的进步。很多精彩的观点,如农业的平均化及私有化提高农民的积极性,提高农业产出,为工业的发展提供原料、食物及初期的发展资金,避免进口食物浪费大量的外汇。 @ JIM 看到后面几章我才知道这是15年前写的书。农业不是越集体化、规模化越好,而是要看劳动力投入和亩产的比例,所以去特权的土改至关重要。但是工业化初期却很需要政府这只“大手”去抑制私小企业的急功近利,集中目标提升技术和加入国际市场(经济政策那章也大同小异了)。最后对于中国的剖析实在有趣。作为一个义务教育阶段的人民教师,我不得不教给学生的是城市对农村的大力扶持。而农村利益在发展的几年中一直被牺牲的事实是不敢讲的。作者对良性私企兼并腐败国企的美好愿景、中国的言论逐步开放和政府对房地产泡沫的压制作用也无一不化作泡影。 @ 伊凡阿辽沙 可以看翻译版。删了几段话而已 @ JIM South east 基本速读,重点看North east, esp. China. 很好奇Joe Studwell如果站在今天会如何解释what is happening now. How Asia Works, Learning from the history and just do it in my own mind. @ Wumengyang1994 1. land reform;2. export discipline in the with a focus on developing globally competitve companies;3. financial “repression”.


  • 小学阶段是人们培养读写能力和计算能力的最关键的阶段,但韩国和中国台湾实现经济腾飞时,教育水平远远低于东南亚的平均水平。第二次世界大战结束时,台湾有55%的人都是文盲,1960年降低到45%。1950年,韩国人的文盲率甚至比当代的埃塞俄比亚还要高。与其说是教育催生了经济发展,还不如说是经济发展促使家庭加强子女教育,从而使得更大的经济发展具有可能性。
    —— 引自第12页
  • 历史学家的胜利现在回首历史,不难发现,日本、韩国与中国台湾在制定工业政策的过程中存在着一个共同的可取之处,即决策者基本上都是通晓世界经济发展历史的人,职业的经济学家几乎没有扮演什么重要角色。
    —— 引自第104页
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