书名:Hacker's Delight
豆瓣评分: 9.5
A collection useful programming advice the author has collected over the years; small algorithms that make the programmer's task easier. * At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspects of computer programming * Learn to program at a more advanced level than is generally taught in schools and training courses, and much more advanced than can be learned through individual study/experience. * An instant cult classic for programmers! Computer programmers are often referred to as hackers — solitary problem solvers engrossed in a world of code as they seek elegant solutions to building better software. While many view these unique individuals as "madmen," the truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy mix of arithmetic and logic. In Hacker's Delight, veteran programmer Hank Warren shares the collected wisdom — namely tips and tricks — from his considerable experience in the world of application development. The resulting work is an irresistible collection that will help even the most seasoned programmers better their craft. Henry S. Warren Jr. has had a 40-year career with IBM, spanning the computer field from the IBM 704 to PowerPC. He has worked on various military command and control systems, and on the SETL project under Jack Schwartz at NYU. Since 1973 he has been in IBM's Research Division at Yorktown Heights, New York. Here he has done compiler and computer architecture work on the 801 computer and its several variants through PowerPC. Presently he is working on the Blue Gene petaflop computer project. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Courant Institute at New York University in 1980.
@ phunter 推荐给有基础知识的看 @ 史蒂芬 到处是我最爱的位运算! @ Ender Dai the only book in this topic @ 侧耳倾听 这是一本让我受益很多的书 @ max 工具书 @ Demon Hunter 看的挺费劲的,对于我这种对计算机系统一知半解的门外汉来说太跳了。技巧性很强,太有个性了。启发性对我这个门外汉来说不足,没完全读完,读了自己当时想看的部分,现在也忘了很多,只记得一些没有完全明白但是感觉惊艳的小技巧,姑且标记已读吧。 @ Creasy 孔乙己说他知道回字的四种写法。so what? @ 豆友3561869 看得脑都抽了…..其实我没坚持读完,浩瀚如海的奇技淫巧,我要这么写程序,肯定被人打死 @ 海马 read 感觉这本书对一般程序员来说,有些繁琐过余了。 深入理解计算机系统 (http://book.douban.com/subject/1230413/ )这本书可能更恰到好处一些。 虽然内容都很基础,工作10多年后读来,仍然觉得受益匪浅。