书名:Data-intensive Text Processing With MapreduceSynthesisLecturesonHumanLanguageTechnologies
豆瓣评分: 8.8
Our world is being revolutionized by data-driven methods: access to large amounts of data has generated new insights and opened exciting new opportunities in commerce, science, and computing applications. Processing the enormous quantities of data necessary for these advances requires large clusters, making distributed computing paradigms more crucial than ever. MapReduce is a programming model for expressing distributed computations on massive datasets and an execution framework for large-scale data processing on clusters of commodity servers. The programming model provides an easy-to-understand abstraction for designing scalable algorithms, while the execution framework transparently handles many system-level details, ranging from scheduling to synchronization to fault tolerance. This book focuses on MapReduce algorithm design, with an emphasis on text processing algorithms common in natural language processing, information retrieval, and machine learning. We introduce the notion of MapReduce design patterns, which represent general reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems across a variety of problem domains. This book not only intends to help the reader "think in MapReduce", but also discusses limitations of the programming model as well.
@ 大夜 感觉说得抽象啊……这MapReduce看不到实体、不用实验,讲得难懂;或者是这方面基础知识太差了,不适合这本儿入门儿。弃。 @ Jason Koo This book is great for learning the MapReduce programming model, search engine techniques and machine learning algorithms. @ caibinbupt MR的一些总结;大量的参考文献。 @ ZFenng 对MapReduce的概念介绍得还比较充分,例子一般 @ 流火枫林 对于MapReduce的初学者很有帮助,帮助读者建立MapReduce的思维方式 @ 无差跳海并收花 很干,终于有点分布式的感觉了 @ alexcl锕锂钶锶 很好读,有例子。 @ 大夜 感觉说得抽象啊……这MapReduce看不到实体、不用实验,讲得难懂;或者是这方面基础知识太差了,不适合这本儿入门儿。弃。 @ MrCAI 读了2/3
2.MapReduce Basics
3.MapReduce Algorithm Design
4. Inverted Indexing for Text Retrieval
5.Graph Algorithms
6.EM Algorithms for Text Processing
7.Closing Remarks
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Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technology(共24册),这套丛书还有《Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation》《Automated Essay Scoring》《Natural Language Processing for Social Media, Third Edition》《Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing》《Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies)》等。