Conversations With Friends

书名:Conversations With Friends
豆瓣评分: 7.8


From one of the Observer's Rising Stars of 2017, a high-risk, highbrow and intimate novel – and one of the most anticipated works of fiction this year. Features Frances, Bobbi, Nick and Melissa, four characters who ask each other endless questions. As their relationships unfold, in person and online, they discuss sex and friendship, art and literature, politics and gender, and, of course, one another. From one of the Observer's Rising Stars of 2017, a high-risk, highbrow and intimate novel – and one of the most anticipated works of fiction this year. Conversations with Friends is about Frances, Bobbi, Nick and Melissa, four characters who ask each other endless questions. As their relationships unfold, in person and online, they discuss sex and friendship, art and literature, politics and gender, and, of course, one another. Twenty-one-year-old Frances is at the heart of it all, bringing us this tale of a complex menage-a-quatre and her affair with Nick, an older married man. You can read Conversations with Friends as a romantic comedy, or you can read it as a feminist text. You can read it as a book about infidelity, about the pleasures and difficulties of intimacy, or about how our minds think about our bodies. However you choose to read it, it is an unforgettable novel about the possibility of love. 'Fascinating, ferocious and shrewd. Sally Rooney has the sharpest eye for all of the most delicate cruelties of human interaction.' (Lisa McInerney, author of The Glorious Heresies) 'Sally Rooney is a writer going all the way to the top. Conversations with Friends features the twenty-first century Irish descendents of Salinger's guileless wiseasses brought to life in prose as taut and coolly poised as early Bret Easton Ellis.' (Colin Barrett, author of Young Skins) 'Written with such precision and perceptiveness, full of arid humour and reckless despair, a novel of spine-tingling salience.' (Sara Baume, author of Spill Simmer Falter Wither) 'Forensically smart and pin-sharp witty, this is a book to cherish and a writer to fall in love with.' (Thomas Morris, author of We Don't Know What We're Doing)


Sally Rooney was born in 1991 and lives in Dublin, where she graduated from Trinity College. Her work has appeared in Granta, The Dublin Review, The White Review, The Stinging Fly, and the Winter Pages anthology.


@ 4050 It’s really difficult to go on if you dislike Frances and find her obnoxious all the time…Well all twenty-one years old college girls are obnoxious and who wants to read about their romance with a h… It’s really difficult to go on if you dislike Frances and find her obnoxious all the time…Well all twenty-one years old college girls are obnoxious and who wants to read about their romance with a handsome married man anyway? @ ichbinluz 我觉得这本书年轻女孩子会很喜欢的,情色写很好(不是肉体描写,是flirting)。听了1/3的时候本来想弃,因为实在不太懂想讲什么。后来为了那些flirting(不浪费钱)继续听下去。就觉得还好很有一点意味。书评待补。 @ 芝麻小元宵 So vividly real! I feel like I relate to Frances when she acted cool, but actually all ups and downs inside just over a word or a gesture by Nick, and when she played aloof as being hurt, and definite… So vividly real! I feel like I relate to Frances when she acted cool, but actually all ups and downs inside just over a word or a gesture by Nick, and when she played aloof as being hurt, and definitely when she felt uncertain, unimportant, unworthy of true love and constantly made bad choices that she was not sure of. A lot to chew on, exhausted. @ adore 对不起我觉得我在看porn而且很感动 @ ありちゃん 非常有趣,真实到我觉得一些桥段绝对在现实中发生过,可以说是冷静地写实到残忍的程度:)大段心理描述让我真真切切感同身受,不同的是我幸运在有那么多朋友可以倾诉,而主人公总是装作无所谓、没感情、play cool。好的故事让你完全知道你不是书中的某个角色,却又对那角色产生共鸣;而作者甚至完全没试图让读者喜欢上这些角色,但你就是知道他们存在于你的生活中。成长如此复杂,没有人非黑即白,爱你是真的,要离开也是… 非常有趣,真实到我觉得一些桥段绝对在现实中发生过,可以说是冷静地写实到残忍的程度:)大段心理描述让我真真切切感同身受,不同的是我幸运在有那么多朋友可以倾诉,而主人公总是装作无所谓、没感情、play cool。好的故事让你完全知道你不是书中的某个角色,却又对那角色产生共鸣;而作者甚至完全没试图让读者喜欢上这些角色,但你就是知道他们存在于你的生活中。成长如此复杂,没有人非黑即白,爱你是真的,要离开也是真的,最后还是离不开你仍然是真的:每个时刻做出的决定在当时都真诚,愿不愿做三好学生不是重点,最后我们都在被命运的手推着走。加一星给作者的年轻(你们知道她当年是欧洲排名第一的学生辩手吗www @ 关山难越 “我给你我的寂寞、我的黑暗、我心的饥渴;我试图用困惑、危险、失败来打动你。” @ NH栗 作者想要讨论的是人类情感关系的多种可能存在形式。sally rooney 笔下的主要女性角色有相似点,特别是在conversation with friends 和 normal people 中,是冷漠高傲的聪慧女性,不愿意也不信任自我的情感表达,在感情中敏感但孤僻,渴望接触但通过伤害来麻木内心的感受。男主却是美丽内向,懦弱被动,外表全能但却内心脆弱的。作者的语言细腻,锋利,鞭辟入… 作者想要讨论的是人类情感关系的多种可能存在形式。sally rooney 笔下的主要女性角色有相似点,特别是在conversation with friends 和 normal people 中,是冷漠高傲的聪慧女性,不愿意也不信任自我的情感表达,在感情中敏感但孤僻,渴望接触但通过伤害来麻木内心的感受。男主却是美丽内向,懦弱被动,外表全能但却内心脆弱的。作者的语言细腻,锋利,鞭辟入里。Sally有极强的洞察力,在处理人物与外界的沟通,人物之间的攻守相处,人物内心的焦虑反转刻画的非常好。 @ 海鲜你个小土豆 好多情绪 @ 欢欣鼓舞查尔斯 “大段心里描述让我真切地感同身受” – 这也是我最大的感触,就像读《迷宫中的恋人》时类似的感受。就是共鸣,这么简单,那么难。正在读Normal people。 @ RRR Just as boring as what modern life is like, but interestingly.


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