书名:Cheap SexTheTransformationofMen,Marriage,andMonogamy
豆瓣评分: 8.0
Sex is cheap. Coupled sexual activity has become more widely available than ever. Cheap sex has been made possible by two technologies that have little to do with each other – the Pill and high-quality pornography – and its distribution made more efficient by a third technological innovation, online dating. Together, they drive down the cost of real sex, and in turn slow the development of love, make fidelity more challenging, sexual malleability more common, and have even taken a toll on men's marriageability. Cheap Sex takes readers on an extended tour inside the American mating market, and highlights key patterns that characterize young adults' experience today, including the timing of first sex in relationships, overlapping partners, frustrating returns on their relational investments, and a failure to link future goals like marriage with how they navigate their current relationships. Drawing upon several large nationally-representative surveys, in-person interviews with 100 men and women, and the assertions of scholars ranging from evolutionary psychologists to gender theorists, what emerges is a story about social change, technological breakthroughs, and unintended consequences. Men and women have not fundamentally changed, but their unions have. No longer playing a supporting role in relationships, sex has emerged as a central priority in relationship development and continuation. But unravel the layers, and it is obvious that the emergence of "industrial sex" is far more a reflection of men's interests than women's.
Mark Regnerus is Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin. His research is in the areas of sexual behavior, family, marriage, and religion. He is the author of Forbidden Fruit (OUP, 2007) and Premarital Sex in American (OUP, 2011).
@ 羊肉烤黄皮子 至今读过最右翼最保守的社会学家,观点先行且旗帜鲜明,引用的案例和各处的定论简直让我笑出声(女性必须“教育”男性),少有的将全书奠基在生物学假设(女性比男性更倾向于结婚、男性比女性有更强烈的生理需求)之上的婚姻/性行为经济学。想象一下社会学家说婚姻是交换资本,女性过去的资本就是性资本和生育资本,由于避孕技术、黄片的大量普及以及线上约炮软件的使用,现在vagina不如过去值钱了,性资源也走二八定律。最值得讨论的问题应该当是到底什么是事实,统计回归、问卷回答就是事实吗?有趣的是作者也承认这种性开放的社会趋势是不可逆的,需要多考虑一些意想不到的后果(比方说对宗教信仰者的影响)。 Chris @ 辉月 虽然只有两百多页,但内容异常丰富。几个观点印象深刻又捧腹:1. Porn提供观众各种各样的性爱方式,观众会越来越愿意模仿和尝试不同的玩法。因此,他们也越来越包容,人们渐渐没有了性向划分,政治倾向也会逐渐变蓝(笑死)。2. 作者推测即使美国同性婚姻合法化,但在 辛辣得不无道理 guys have to get their dicks dragged to be productive.(“giving young men easy access to abundant sexual satisfaction deprives society of one of its ways to motivate them to contribute valuable achievements to the culture.” ) @ Soo Yung 至今读过最右翼最保守的社会学家,观点先行且旗帜鲜明,引用的案例和各处的定论简直让我笑出声(女性必须“教育”男性),少有的将全书奠基在生物学假设(女性比男性更倾向于结婚、男性比女性有更强烈的生理需求)之上的婚姻/性行为经济学。想象一下社会学家说婚姻是交换资本,女性过去的资本就是性资本和生育资本,由于避孕技术、黄片的大量普及以及线上约炮软件的使用,现在vagina不如过去值钱了,性资源也走二八定律。最值得讨论的问题应该当是到底什么是事实,统计回归、问卷回答就是事实吗?有趣的是作者也承认这种性开放的社会趋势是不可逆的,需要多考虑一些意想不到的后果(比方说对宗教信仰者的影响)。 Chris