Can't Hurt Me

书名:Can't Hurt MeMasterYourMindandDefytheOdds
豆瓣评分: 9.0


For David Goggins, childhood was a nightmare – poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse colored his days and haunted his nights. But through self-discipline, mental toughness, and hard work, Goggins transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world's top endurance athletes. The only man in history to complete elite training as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller, he went on to set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring Outside magazine to name him The Fittest (Real) Man in America. In Can't Hurt Me, he shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this The 40% Rule, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.



@ Elizabeth Another possibility of life. @ 亚欧 算是读过了吧,肉体上的折磨可能并不算什么,关键得想办法调动起自己强大的斗志。 @ 1790 Mind Game @ 若耶之溪 作者人生故事真的是很有意思,精英军队,超长马拉松。不过现在越来越不喜欢提炼的道理了,只希望能够多一点感受这些不同的人生。 @ FreedomArcher 听了三个多小时有声书, 我实在是找不出继续听下去的理由了。作者是那百分之一从逆境中重生的人, 可是他也是那百分之一历尽悲惨童年的人。哎, 罢了, 罢了, 改变这种东西人各有异, 不必强求。 @ 好吃姐姐 Exactly what I needed. I love how Goggins swears through the whole book and it feels like he's talking to me personally, loud and clear. 其实里面的方法都知道,但是通过他的故事说出来真的很有感染力和说服力。书读了一遍,去跑步的时候又再听有声书,绝对是可以改变人生的… Exactly what I needed. I love how Goggins swears through the whole book and it feels like he's talking to me personally, loud and clear. 其实里面的方法都知道,但是通过他的故事说出来真的很有感染力和说服力。书读了一遍,去跑步的时候又再听有声书,绝对是可以改变人生的一本书 @ epiphany #54 THE ULTIMATE GUIDE ON HOW TO BE A LOW-KEY MASOCHIST IN LIFE. 听完终于明白为什么work out的时候要在精疲力竭时才开始计数、明白为什么膝盖肿成柚子却依旧可以在暴风雨的海上做任务、明白为什么胆汁都流出来了还可以继续跑完魔鬼马拉松 – 因为人可以enjoy suffer & take souls. 网上有人问Goggins”你为何… #54 THE ULTIMATE GUIDE ON HOW TO BE A LOW-KEY MASOCHIST IN LIFE. 听完终于明白为什么work out的时候要在精疲力竭时才开始计数、明白为什么膝盖肿成柚子却依旧可以在暴风雨的海上做任务、明白为什么胆汁都流出来了还可以继续跑完魔鬼马拉松 – 因为人可以enjoy suffer & take souls. 网上有人问Goggins”你为何说话如此热血、一点也不normal”, 他答”what is normal?” 这本书不是鸡汤,也不是什么大男子主义motivational content, 依旧这样认为的人我觉得只能说明Goggins的精髓is yet to be grasped. 你不必学他一样突破身体极限,你只需坚定走下去。 @ Jin tva 说实话从没想过自己在某个人生阶段会被一个 former navy seal 的自传启发到。David Goggins essentially is obsessed with suffering 不让自己过得太舒服,并从中寻找到 peace 的精神境界似乎很常见,但又不寻常。 有声书/播客蛮有听头的,个人觉得可能比读文字效果更好。Callusing your mind, motivation is… 说实话从没想过自己在某个人生阶段会被一个 former navy seal 的自传启发到。David Goggins essentially is obsessed with suffering 不让自己过得太舒服,并从中寻找到 peace 的精神境界似乎很常见,但又不寻常。 有声书/播客蛮有听头的,个人觉得可能比读文字效果更好。Callusing your mind, motivation is bullshit @ 魔侧河 一个偶然的机会在JRE上得知了作者和他的自传,下载后断断续续读了几个月。非常激励人的一本书,读到一半的时候,光是想到要读就让人感到热血沸腾。太认同作者的观点,life is a mind game! 一辈子的榜样。值得反复阅读的书,五星推荐。 @ ? ? ? 很震撼,不是你不能,只是你没有push yourself


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