Automating the News

书名:Automating the NewsHowAlgorithmsAreRewritingtheMedia


From hidden connections in big data to bots spreading fake news, journalism is increasingly computer-generated. An expert in computer science and media explains the present and future of a world in which news is created by algorithm. Amid the push for self-driving cars and the roboticization of industrial economies, automation has proven one of the biggest news stories of our time. Yet the wide-scale automation of the news itself has largely escaped attention. In this lively exposé of that rapidly shifting terrain, Nicholas Diakopoulos focuses on the people who tell the stories—increasingly with the help of computer algorithms that are fundamentally changing the creation, dissemination, and reception of the news. Diakopoulos reveals how machine learning and data mining have transformed investigative journalism. Newsbots converse with social media audiences, distributing stories and receiving feedback. Online media has become a platform for A/B testing of content, helping journalists to better understand what moves audiences. Algorithms can even draft certain kinds of stories. These techniques enable media organizations to take advantage of experiments and economies of scale, enhancing the sustainability of the fourth estate. But they also place pressure on editorial decision-making, because they allow journalists to produce more stories, sometimes better ones, but rarely both. Automating the News responds to hype and fears surrounding journalistic algorithms by exploring the human influence embedded in automation. Though the effects of automation are deep, Diakopoulos shows that journalists are at little risk of being displaced. With algorithms at their fingertips, they may work differently and tell different stories than they otherwise would, but their values remain the driving force behind the news. The human–algorithm hybrid thus emerges as the latest embodiment of an age-old tension between commercial imperatives and journalistic principles.


Nicholas Diakopoulos is an expert on computational and data journalism whose work has been featured on BBC Radio 4 and CBC Radio and in the Atlantic, Slate, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the Boston Globe. He is Director of the Computational Journalism Lab (CJL) and an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at Northwestern University and is a Tow Fellow at Columbia Journalism School. A consultant specializing in research, design, and development for computational media applications, he co-founded Georgia Tech’s program in Computational Journalism.


@ 吴慢慢 computational journalism 101,比较适合作本科生读物 @ 二等公民 Nick近几年在computational journalism/comm和HMC的研究上取得了不小的成就。因自己研究兴趣和方向相关,对这本书抱有不少期待。读完发现很适合作为一个introductory的书来读,实例不少,深度欠佳。对入门者来说,或许收获更多。 @ Mwangi Nick近几年在computational journalism/comm和HMC的研究上取得了不小的成就。因自己研究兴趣和方向相关,对这本书抱有不少期待。读完发现很适合作为一个introductory的书来读,实例不少,深度欠佳。对入门者来说,或许收获更多。 @ 吴慢慢 computational journalism 101,比较适合作本科生读物


Introduction: The Era of News Algorithms
1. Hybridization: Combining Algorithms, Automation, and People in Newswork
2. Journalistic Data Mining
3. Automated Content Production
4. Newsbots: Agents of Information
5. Digital Paperboys: Algorithms in News Distribution
6. Algorithmic Accountability Reporting
Conclusion: The Future of Algorithmic News Media
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