Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition

书名:Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd EditionRoughCuts
豆瓣评分: 9.1


Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment is a classic text describing the programming interface to UNIX Systems. The third edition updates the material to conform to Version 4 of the Single UNIX Specification and provides examples based on four contemporary systems: FreeBSD 8.0, Linux 2.6.35, Mac OS X 10.6.7, and Solaris 10. Changes from the second edition include the removal of obsolete information and the addition of more than 70 new functions. In total, more than 450 function interfaces are presented. The authors go further than merely describing the interfaces; they illustrate how they should be used and provide insight on why things are the way they are. Topics include standards, file I/O, directory handling, processes, threads, inter-process communication, signals, network communication, and terminal handling. The book contains many small source code examples written in C, as well as several chapters that provide in-depth studies of larger examples. Regardless of what UNIX System you run, this book will help you master the subtleties of writing programs to make the most of your system.


W. Richard Stevens was an acknowledged UNIX and networking expert and the highly-respected author of several books. He was also a sought-after instructor and consultant.

Stephen A. Rago, one of the developers of UNIX System V Release 4, is currently a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Crosstor, a company created by former Bell Labs employees to develop system components and enhancements for UNIX and other systems.


@ momo BUY050519START050519END2303 POSIX IPC 没讲完?看来只有在读TLPI. @ 丸子 当初看的还是第一版,作为基础API的系统介绍再好不过。 @ shimmeringx 第一次读这本书还是15年前,记得是尤晋元翻译的第一版,学校图书馆总是预约才能借到,翻得破破烂烂。这么多年过去,APUE的内容应该是傍身的技能里最基础、最深入骨髓的。POSIX那一套API,以及它背后蕴含的UNIX内在结构和思想,是永不过时,受用终身的。 @ vinceguo 看过之后对linux系统了解深了点,不过那些个c的api啊,真尼玛丑。我还是玩玩python吧 @ momo BUY050519START050519END2303 第一次读这本书还是15年前,记得是尤晋元翻译的第一版,学校图书馆总是预约才能借到,翻得破破烂烂。这么多年过去,APUE的内容应该是傍身的技能里最基础、最深入骨髓的。POSIX那一套API,以及它背后蕴含的UNIX内在结构和思想,是永不过时,受用终身的。 @ Μισακι POSIX IPC 没讲完?看来只有在读TLPI. @ 小草 很多技术细节,对全面了解unix系统非常有帮助。虽然看起来也确实很累 @ 斯旺达克 五星好评!这书唯一的缺陷,我觉得就是由于照顾了四种实现,细节差异讲的太多了,让人头大。UNIX原本的API是有一千多个,作者把重要的一两百个拿出来给你剖析,给你对UNIX的有个完整的理解,这是需要很深的功底的。看完这本书,再配合MIT的xv6课程,堪称对操作系统源码级别完美理解。


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: UNIX System Overview
Chapter 2: UNIX Standardization and Implementations
Chapter 3: File I/O
Chapter 4: Files and Directories
Chapter 5: Standard I/O Library
Chapter 6: System Data Files and Information
Chapter 7: Process Enviornment
Chapter 8: Process Control
Chapter 9: Process Relationships
Chapter 10: Signals
Chapter 11: Treads
Chapter 12: Tread Control
Chapter 13: Daemon Process
Chapter 14: Advanced I/O
Chapter 15: Interprocess Communication
Chapter 16: Network IPC: Sockets
Chapter 17: Advanced IPC
Chapter 18: Terminal I/O
Chapter 19: Pseudo Terminals
Chapter 20: A Database Library
Chapter 21: Communicating with a Network Printer
Appendix A: Function Prototypes
Appendix B: Miscellaneous Source Code
Appendix C: Solutions to Selected Exercises
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  • Parent and the child share a file table entry for every open descriptor.
    —— 引自章节:Ch 8 Process Control
  • 大多数UNIX调试程序都使用core文件以检查进程终止时的状态。
    —— 引自第234页
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