A Fine and Private Place

书名:A Fine and Private Place
豆瓣评分: 7.8


Nino Importuna has a soft face, but when he smiles, it’s terrifying. His Central Park penthouse is lavish, but it was bought with the blood of his enemies. His criminal empire controls mining, electronics, and food—legitimate corporations that he runs with a murderer’s touch. When he catches one of his capos stealing from him, Importuna could either kill the man or send him to prison. Instead, he makes a simple demand: He wants the thief’s daughter to be his wife. On their 5th wedding anniversary, Importuna signs his fortune over to his young bride. Soon after, the 9-fingered mobster is killed by 9 blows to the head and Ellery Queen receives a 9-letter note that holds the key to the homicide. In the legendary detective’s final case, 9 is the magic number.


Ellery Queen is a pseudonym used by two American cousins from Brooklyn-Daniel Nathan, alias Frederic Dannay (1905-1982), and Manford (Emanuel) Lepofsky, alias Manfred Bennington Lee (1905-1971)-to write detective fiction. In a successful series of novels that covered forty-two years, Ellery Queen served as both the authors' name and that of the detective-hero. The cousins also cofounded and directed Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, one of the most influential English crime-fiction magazines of the twentieth century. They were given the Grand Master Award for achievements in the field of the mystery story by the Mystery Writers of America in 1961.


@ z55250825 构思上似乎感觉陷入了“犯人预料到我预料到xx”的泥沼,乍一看,奎因做出那个推理最关键的地方按理会产生疑问——为什么犯人会大费周章最后做那个事,因为从原文来看,能知道这个事情本身就很难了,而还想要靠它定罪谁则是更纸上谈兵的事情。如果是国名系列的奎因会察觉不到吗?但整体来说⑨的红鲱鱼本身的构思还是很有趣,开篇左右撇子的引入就有一种本篇奎因又要苦恼的既视感,“假线索翻转变成真线索”的一则样例。是一本剧情上还很有趣的作品,虽然可能逻辑诡计上不如早期,但整体作品的节奏和技巧都保持后期魔性风格的作品。【谜面:公司总裁三兄弟的某人X被杀害,现场痕迹似乎都指向Y,但是Y却似乎看起来是被陷害的,而在之后,一直迷信数字⑨的Z也遭到杀害 @ 十一口 读完之后仔细回味了一下,越想越觉得妙啊,正如埃勒里所说,凶手所做的不仅是《断剑》,还在这基础上又向前推进了一步。真的被9绕进去了,就像一个洗脑的过程,但在埃勒里揭露红鲱鱼的时候,又觉得这么明显的事实自己居然没想到——开始遗憾《错误的悲剧》没能写成长篇,也再一次感谢命运能安排兄弟俩一起创作侦探小说。不过这本书里最喜欢的部分还是父子俩,光这些就可以五星了,但如果考虑到埃勒里已经六十多岁了再看这些互动就很奇怪x(所以八九十岁的理查德还没有过上退休生活吗x跟警方人员互动也超级喜欢,尤其是理查德回忆跟上级对话那段,笑死我了。阅读体验很棒,读的时候甚至没有意识到是在家访。还有很多彩蛋,作为埃勒里的最后一案真是再适合不过了。凶手名字在最后的设计很巧妙(可惜涉及泄底另一层巧妙之处没法说感谢民翻! @ 凡凡 作为被“挑战读者”影响了半壁江山(指个人创作的半壁江山())的我来说,愿给这本打9.9分() @ z. 处于平均线之上的奎因最后一作,9的红鲱鱼设计很妙,但凶手犯了一个过于明显的错误 @ Annixin 真凶很好猜啊其实!尤其是最后一条红鲱鱼的出现… @ lantern 9.9 不愧是“十逻辑侦探” 奎因个人向的告别之作,黄金时代的挽歌,集大成之作……如此种种 彩蛋与红鲱鱼一并多到令人发指,误导堪称精湛巧妙掩护,同时埋下非常奇特的一条伏线 埃勒里仿佛从第一时期走到第四时期,无论是人物还是行事风格都颇有第一时期神韵,案件设计却有第三时期核心,真正可称为最终之作,无论情怀还是推理均拉满,无比喜爱 @ 雲語荷棠樾 感谢民翻 @ 丹奈 其实从动机就可以判断凶手了,不过为了藏木于林,凶手制作的红鲱鱼真不少,埃勒里这个案子还处于他的早期阶段,没有经受九尾怪猫和十日惊奇的摧残,乖乖的吞下了凶手抛给他的假饵,而理查德探长明明知道某条线索却不告诉儿子,任由他出乖露丑,如果埃勒里能查到弗吉尼亚和那个约定,恐怕早就推断出凶手了,不知道是不是两兄弟故意的设定。


Preconception August 9, 1962
Conception December 9, 1966
First Month January, 1967
Second Month February, 1967
Third Month March, 1967
Fourth Month April, 1967
Fifth Month May, 1967
Sixth Month June, 1967
Seventh and Eighth Months July and August, 1967
Ninth Month Labor
Afterbirth September and October, 1967
November 9, 1967
December 9, 1967
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