书名:I Contain MultitudesTheMicrobesWithinUsandaGranderViewofLife
豆瓣评分: 8.3
A groundbreaking, marvelously informative “microbe’s-eye view” of the world that reveals a radically reconceived picture of life on earth. For most of human existence, microbes were hidden, visible only through the illnesses they caused. When they finally surfaced in biological studies, they were cast as rogues. Only recently have they immigrated from the neglected fringes of biology to its center. Even today, many people think of microbes as germs to be eradicated, but those that live with us—the microbiome—are invaluable parts of our lives. I Contain Multitudes lets us peer into that world for the first time, allowing us to see how ubiquitous and vital microbes are: they sculpt our organs, defend us from disease, break down our food, educate our immune systems, guide our behavior, bombard our genomes with their genes, and grant us incredible abilities. While much of the prevailing discussion around the microbiome has focused on its implications for human health, Yong broadens this focus to the entire animal kingdom, giving us a grander view of life. With humor and erudition, Ed Yong prompts us to look at ourselves and our fellow animals in a new light: less as individuals and more as the interconnected, interdependent multitudes we assuredly are. When we look at the animal kingdom through a microbial lens, even the most familiar parts of our lives take on a striking new air. We learn the secret, invisible, and wondrous biology behind the corals that construct mighty reefs, the glowing squid that can help us understand the bacteria in our own guts, the beetles that bring down forests, the disease-fighting mosquitoes engineered in Australia, and the ingredients in breast milk that evolved to nourish a baby’s first microbes. We see how humans are disrupting these partnerships and how scientists are now manipulating them to our advantage. We see, as William Blake wrote, the world in a grain of sand. I Contain Multitudes is the story of these extraordinary partnerships, between the familiar creatures of our world and those we never knew existed. It will change both our view of nature and our sense of where we belong in it.
Ed Yong is an award-winning science writer on the staff of The Atlantic. His blog Not Exactly Rocket Science is hosted by National Geographic, and his work has also appeared in The New Yorker, Wired, the New York Times, Nature, the BBC, New Scientist, Scientific American, the Guardian, the Times, Aeon, Discover, The Scientist, Slate, Mosaic, and Nautilus. He splits his time between London and Washington DC. You can find him on twitter @edyong209 and sign up to his weekly newsletter, The Ed’s Up, on http://tinyletter.com/edyong209/.
@ 一只橘猫? 想起了牛顿说过的 我们最终实在是微粒子。 @ 麦芒的好天气 微生物的作用;绝大多数对我们无害,可以共生;利用好微生物有利于我们更好地生存 @ 遥遥 挺有意思,总之就是 blame the microbes, thanks to the microbes @ 游艺 致病的细菌(病原体),其实是极少数,绝大多数生活在人体内的细菌,都能与人体和平相处 | 人体内细菌的多样性正在迅速减少,我们也需要保护人体内菌群的多样化,这样有助于我们抵御疾病,保持健康 | 免疫系统的作用就是保证人体内的几百万细菌正常生活,同时对一小撮有风险的外来细菌做好防护 @ licheng47 致病的细菌,或者说病原体,其实是极少数,绝大多数人体内的细菌,都能与人和平相处。人和细菌其实是一种共生的关系 (母乳好其实是因为其内HMO多糖可以喂养婴儿肠胃的细菌,对宝宝发育好)人体内的菌群平衡 即殖民抵抗很重要,体内拥有多元化的菌群,就不太会给导致疾病的细菌留下生长空间。 @ 徐杰 人是一个共生体 @ 綦 I contain multitudes, or I provide a multiplicity of deficiencies to get KO'd. @ dd_b 这样一本书在这样一个时刻 @ Du R 文笔不是太好 @ 遥遥 挺有意思,总之就是 blame the microbes, thanks to the microbes