Python 3 Object Oriented Programming

书名:Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
豆瓣评分: 8.5


Object Oriented Programming is a very important aspect of modern programming languages. The basic principles of Object Oriented Programming are relatively easy to learn. Putting them together into working designs can be challenging. This book makes programming more of a pleasure than a chore using powerful Python 3 object-oriented features of Python 3. It clearly demonstrates the core OOP principles and how to correctly implement OOP in Python. Object Oriented Programming ranks high in importance among the many models Python supports. Yet, many programmers never bother learning the powerful features that make this language object oriented. The book teaches when and how OOP should be correctly applied. It emphasizes not only the simple syntax of OOP in Python, but also how to combine these objects into well-designed software. This book will introduce you to the terminology of the object-oriented paradigm, focusing on object-oriented design with step-by-step examples. It will take you from simple inheritance, one of the most useful tools in the object-oriented programmer's toolbox, all the way through to cooperative inheritance, one of the most complicated. You will be able to raise, handle, define, and manipulate exceptions. You will be able to integrate the object-oriented and the not-so-object-oriented aspects of Python. You will also be able to create maintainable applications by studying higher level design patterns. You'll learn the complexities of string and file manipulation, and how Python distinguishes between binary and textual data. Not one, but two very powerful automated testing systems will be introduced to you. You'll understand the joy of unit testing and just how easy they are to create. You'll even study higher level libraries such as database connectors and GUI toolkits and how they apply object-oriented principles. Harness the power of Python 3 objects; it's not just a scripting language


Dusty Phillips 是一名加拿大自由软件开发人员、教师、武术家以及开源爱好者。他和Arch Linux 社区以及其他开源社区有着紧密联系。他维护着Arch Linux 的门户网站以及编译了流行的Arch Linux 手册。Dusty 持有计算机科学人机交互方向的硕士学位。他目前在自己的计算机里安装了6 种不同的Python 解释器。


肖鹏,毕业于北京理工大学信息与通信工程专业,2011年起就职于思科系统(中国)信息技术服务有限公司,是一名网络咨询工程师,具有多年Python网络开发经验。个人博客: GitHub:xiaopeng163




@ [已注销] 设计模式那两张实在是太棒了 TwT 不过UML画地略捉急 还有把 Usa 拼成 Use 这样的错误 @ [已注销] 专注于Python3的面向对象的编程,感觉话题都不太深入,作为入门,议题又有些窄。个人认为精华都在设计模式那两章,可惜话题也不是特深入。 @ 阿北挂路灯 太入门 @ zongpangpang 挺有意思,用的几个例子是c++ primer plus里的例子。我学习有阴影,喜欢整小知识,紧紧张张的,不迅速,抓不住大的也不会去想,所以keywords等等都想记着。decorator @ iphyer 很不错的书,讲解了很多面向对象的知识,面向对象是一种思维不是一种特定的要求从这个角度看这本书有点简单,但是作为入门本身是很好的。但是这本书的翻译实在是错误很多,影响阅读质量。 @ 凝聚态歌剧 2016年暑假觉得Python 2不够时尚, 就靠着这本书转移到了Python 3, 因为这本书的目录看起来比较简单… @ zongpangpang 挺有意思,用的几个例子是c++ primer plus里的例子。我学习有阴影,喜欢整小知识,紧紧张张的,不迅速,抓不住大的也不会去想,所以keywords等等都想记着。decorator @ 江湖骗子 @ 全村的希望 翻看了一遍 20160922 @ iphyer 很不错的书,讲解了很多面向对象的知识,面向对象是一种思维不是一种特定的要求从这个角度看这本书有点简单,但是作为入门本身是很好的。但是这本书的翻译实在是错误很多,影响阅读质量。


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