Head First Programming

书名:Head First ProgrammingAlearner'sguidetoprogrammingusingthePythonlanguage
豆瓣评分: 7.7


Looking for a reliable way to learn how to program on your own, without being overwhelmed by confusing concepts? "Head First Programming" introduces the core concepts of writing computer programs – variables, decisions, loops, functions, and objects – which apply regardless of the programming language. This book offers concrete examples and exercises in the dynamic and versatile Python language to demonstrate and reinforce these concepts. You can learn the basic tools to start writing the programs that interest you, and get a better understanding of what software can (and cannot) do. When you're finished, you'll have the necessary foundation to learn any programming language or tackle any software project you choose. With a focus on programming concepts, this book teaches you how to: understand the core features of all programming languages, including variables, statements, decisions, loops, expressions, and operators; reuse code with functions; use library code to save time and effort; select the best data structure to manage complex data; write programs that talk to the Web; share your data with other programs; and, write programs that test themselves and help you avoid embarrassing coding errors. We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, "Head First Programming" uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.



@ nomimono 想通过这本书来入门python,看完实在不尽人意。本书面向的应该是没有编程知识的初学者,但我相信一定会有不少迷惑的地方,不少应该详细解释的地方一笔带过,即使理解清楚又会花费不必要的时间(不是什么问题都需要去花费时间去理解的)。对于有编程经验的读者来说,该详细解释的基本特性只是略过,全篇笔墨着重在tkinter及pygame的应用和实现,对大多数人来说这两者都没那么重要(即使主力做GUI也不会使用tkinter,简陋的想哭,pygame更不用说),在写这些之前看了两章 head first python,比这本好太多,唯一缺点是的确需要一点点的语言基础。 @ Emma 当作python入门级别的书还不错 @ O水水 GUI 挺不错的 @ lzonline01 看的电子版,觉得一般 @ 一个花猫 Intriguing, elaborating and funny style of teaching. @ [已注销] 如附录所言,为只关心如何编程而非选择语言的读者所写。如果毫无编程经验,那么恭喜你选择了Python作为第一门语言。此书5星推荐。不过对于已经掌握很多语言的CS老油条,减一星。GUI很简单,当然,也不漂亮。 @ 修缘 有两点值得推荐,其一是非常适合编程零基础的新人了解编程,其二是选择了Python这个简单而强大的语言,而不是C或者PHP,JS之类的语言。但是正因为如此,这本书只适合零基础新人,不适合有一定经验的人的看。 @ 轩辕拾銉 用python来介绍编程的基本概念与思路,讲了大多数语言都会涉及到的概念,简单易懂。看了前七章,感觉是一本对新手很友好的入门书籍。 @ Jill 这套书原版竟然是彩色的 @ ake9527 懂读者,将如何解决问题。而不是一个高冷智者的自言自语


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