Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader

书名:Diary of a Professional Commodity TraderLessonsfrom21WeeksofRealTrading
豆瓣评分: 8.6


A top trader takes you through the markets and revels how he succeeded In Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader, Peter Brandt provides a play-by-play diary of his 2009 trading, offering an inside look at the difficult process and what it takes to excel at such a demanding endeavor. A long-time trader, Brandt clearly explains his thinking as he searches for the right opportunities and executes trades for 21 weeks. And by utilizing a diary format, he reveals exactly what it's like to trade, communicating the uncertainty that surrounds every trade and the discipline required to make tough decisions in the face of losing money. Along the way, Brandt touches upon his philosophy on speculation, market analysis, trade identification and selection, risk management, and much more. Fully discloses the methods and rules the author has used to trade so successfully for so many years Each trade include charts, an analysis of the trade, and a play-by-play account of how the trade unfolds Brandt examines all his trades and keeps a running account of his profits and losses Unlike most trading books, which tell people how to trade, this reliable guide will reveal the reality of this discipline and provide you with a firm understanding of what it takes to make it work.


彼得 ·L. 勃兰特(Peter L.Brandt),商品对冲基金领域的早期先锋,拥有三十多年职业期货和外汇交易经验,曾为大型机构投资者提供经纪服务,他是备受推崇的交易刊物 The Factor 的发行人,与布鲁斯·巴布科克合著《运用经典图表形态交易商品期货》。勃兰特在期货和外汇市场交易自有资金,交易生涯的平均年化回报率高达68%。


@ Jia_Yuhui First,the thought matters a lot,whether you are standing on a right point, decide the meaning of your effort.Second,what ever you wanna do,a method is necessary. Third,stick with your plan.Never give up. @ luca First,the thought matters a lot,whether you are standing on a right point, decide the meaning of your effort.Second,what ever you wanna do,a method is necessary. Third,stick with your plan.Never give up. @ 宝宝TWO 关键的关键,是他说到了技术分析需要成功的真正不在技术分析!



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