
豆瓣评分: 8.9


Why do we do the things we do? More than a decade in the making, this game-changing book is Robert Sapolsky’s genre-shattering attempt to answer that question as fully as perhaps only he could, looking at it from every angle. Sapolsky’s storytelling concept is delightful but it also has a powerful intrinsic logic: he starts by looking at the factors that bear on a person’s reaction in the precise moment a behavior occurs, and then hops back in time from there, in stages, ultimately ending up at the deep history of our species and its evolutionary legacy. And so the first category of explanation is the neurobiological one. A behavior occurs–whether an example of humans at our best, worst, or somewhere in between. What went on in a person’s brain a second before the behavior happened? Then Sapolsky pulls out to a slightly larger field of vision, a little earlier in time: What sight, sound, or smell caused the nervous system to produce that behavior? And then, what hormones acted hours to days earlier to change how responsive that individual is to the stimuli that triggered the nervous system? By now he has increased our field of vision so that we are thinking about neurobiology and the sensory world of our environment and endocrinology in trying to explain what happened. Sapolsky keeps going: How was that behavior influenced by structural changes in the nervous system over the preceding months, by that person’s adolescence, childhood, fetal life, and then back to his or her genetic makeup? Finally, he expands the view to encompass factors larger than one individual. How did culture shape that individual’s group, what ecological factors millennia old formed that culture? And on and on, back to evolutionary factors millions of years old. The result is one of the most dazzling tours d’horizon of the science of human behavior ever attempted, a majestic synthesis that harvests cutting-edge research across a range of disciplines to provide a subtle and nuanced perspective on why we ultimately do the things we do…for good and for ill. Sapolsky builds on this understanding to wrestle with some of our deepest and thorniest questions relating to tribalism and xenophobia, hierarchy and competition, morality and free will, and war and peace. Wise, humane, often very funny, Behave is a towering achievement, powerfully humanizing, and downright heroic in its own right.


Robert M. Sapolsky is the author of several works of nonfiction, including A Primate’s Memoir, The Trouble with Testosterone, and Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. He is a professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University and the recipient of a MacArthur Foundation genius grant. He lives in San Francisco.


@ 凯蒂同学 涨了一点姿势 学了两个新词amygdala和frontal cortex以及它们都是干嘛的 @ 艾莉森王 Robert Salposky的斯坦佛大学人类行为生物学课程详述,清醒的思考与分析,精彩至极 @ untamedheart Holy moly ! @ 晕过 实在读不完,属于动物行为学,脑神经学,生物学集大成者,告诉我们判断行为要考虑多方面,如脑硬件,文化等,人的行为是脑硬件基础下的产物,但硬件的变化原因多种多样。Rk @ JDK 开枪前一秒。 我们的行为是各种因素联合作用的果。 @ 艾莉森王 Robert Salposky的斯坦佛大学人类行为生物学课程详述,清醒的思考与分析,精彩至极 @ 从依壑 Both Buddhism and neuroscience converge on a similar point of view: The way it feels isn’t how it is.人类那永恒的终结在于实现自由意志,却被基因演化系统无情的统治。 @ 阿哈默 斯坦福大学教授力作 @ rosemary 去年冬天静心读完的大部头。离得这么近,我也想去蹭老爷子的课! @ Nicolas 行为背后的生物学底层代码驱动机制,AI完全没必要设计成像人的意识。根本就没有什么“主观”,脑神经科学不承认大脑有做决定的主观成分。《行为》这本书列举了各种影响行为的因素,包括各种神经传导物质、激素、基因、基因的表达、成长中家里的环境、是否目睹过暴力、社会的文化等等 —— 所有这些因素都是“客观”的,都是你接受的,不是你自己设计出来的。


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